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Friend influence on achievement during middle childhood
Academic task avoidance and achievement as predictors of peer status during the early primary school years
Achievement orientation: Origins, influences, and outcomes
Reliability and validation study of the online instinctual variant questionnaire
comparison of demographics, motivation, and learning strategies of college students taking traditional campus-based courses and Internet-based distance learning courses
exploration of factors affecting the academic success of students in a college quantitative business course
The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement
Children's perceptions of peer reactions to school-related behaviors and affect
The effect of a student achievement curriculum on grade 9 completion rate and student engagement
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Program on the Behavioral and Cognitive Engagement of Grade 5 Exceptional Education Students
Effects of learning-style responsive vs. traditional staff development on community college professors' achievement in and attitudes toward alternative instructional strategies
Emerging narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American women in middle adulthood with an education doctorate degree
Family, obligation, and educational outcomes
effect of a classroom intervention on adolescent wellness, success skills, and academic performance
Teaching Reading Comprehension Skills Using A Science Textbook In A Charter School
The Impact of a School Counselor Led Intervention on Grade 5African American Student Self-Regulation, Test Anxiety andSchool Attendance
The Relationship Between Learning Organization Principles and Student Achievement in Catholic Schools
Factors affecting retention in a community college's welfare-to-work programs
relationship between leadership styles of directors of accredited higher education respiratory care programs and faculty satisfaction, willingness to exert extra effort, perceived director effectiveness, and program outcomes
