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Eulogy on the death of Abraham Lincoln : delivered before the City Council and citizens of Lowell, at Huntington Hall, April 19th, 1865
Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln : delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865
Abraham Lincoln, his life and its lessons : a sermon, preached on Sabbath, April 30, 1865
A sermon on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln : preached at Monson, at the united service of the Congregational and Methodist churches, on the occasion of the national fast, June 1, 1865
Abraham Lincoln : the just magistrate, the representative statesman, the practical philanthropist : address
The national sacrifice : a sermon preached on the Sunday before the death of the president, and two addresses, on the Sunday and Wednesday following, in St. Clement's Church, Philadelphia
The personal influence of Abraham Lincoln : a sermon preached on the national fast-day, Thursday, June 1st, 1865
A discourse delivered before the congregation Mikvé Israel of Philadelphia, at their synagogue in Seventh street, on Thursday, June 1, 1865, the day appointed for fasting, humiliation, and prayer, for the untimely death of the late lamented President of t
A discourse prepared for the National Fast Day, June 1st, 1865 : on account of the murder of our late president, and preached at St. Thomas' Church, Homestead, Baltimore County, Md
An address on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States : delivered before the Congregation Mikvé Israel of Philadelphia, at their synagogue in Seventh Street by the Rev. S. Morais, minister of the congregation.
Remarks on the character of the late Edward Everett, made at a meeting of the Massachusetts historical society, January 30, 1865
The address of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, on the life, character, and services, of William H. Seward : delivered by invitation of the legislature of the state of New York, in Albany, April 18, 1873
Daniel Webster : an oration by the Hon. Edward Everett
Eulogy upon the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, July 3, 1861