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The Use Of Overlapping Vs. Non-Overlapping Moving Block Bootstrapping To Estimate The Variance Of A Statistic Of Dependent Data
Bayesian approach to an exponential hazard regression model with a change point
computation of the Hall coefficient g(q)[('6,4,2)(,42)(,4,2)]
comparison of statistical tests for crossover designs
First-principles study of metastable phases and structural anomalies of Fe, Al, Zn, and Cd under pressure
enumeration of lattice paths and walks
Optimization and inductive models for continuous estimation of hydrologic variables
Statistics preserving spatial interpolation methods for missing precipitation data
Discounting the role of causal attributions in the ANOVA model of attribution
Hybrid model for optimization of cost operations for a university transit service
Stochastic optimal impulse control of jump diffusions with application to exchange rate
Streamflow extremes and climate variability in Southeastern United States
Science fiction girlfriends transgender politics and US science fiction television, 1990–present
Feature selection techniques and applications in bioinformatics
Theoretical study of binary alloy thin film growth
Integration disconnect in police agencies: the effects of agency factors on the production andconsumption of crime analysis
Simulation study on option pricing under jump diffusion models
Stability analysis of feature selection approaches with low quality data
Sensitivity analysis of predictive data analytic models to attributes
New Results in Group Theoretic Cryptology
