Current Search:  Massachusetts -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865 (x)

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Remarks on the proposed state constitution by a Free-soiler from the start.
Address of the Whig Young Men's Convention to the people of Massachusetts.
Speech of Hon. Charles Allen, at Worcester, Nov. 5, 1853.
A sermon, preached at Boston, before His Excellency Christopher Gore, governor, His Honor David Cobb, lieut. governor, the Council and legislature, upon the annual election, May 30, 1810.
 Mr. Otis's speech to the citizens of Boston on the evening preceding the late election, of member to Congress.
Address of the Democratic members of the Massachusetts Legislature to their constituents and the people : at the close of the session for 1841.
An address delivered before the Maine Historical Society, at Bowdoin College, on the afternoon of the annual commencement, September 5, 1849.
Legislature of Massachusetts. :
A sermon, delivered before His Excellency Caleb Strong, esq., governor, the honorable the Council, Senate and House of representatives of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 26, 1802. Being the day of general election.
A sermon, preached at the annual election, May 26, 1830, : before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, lieutenant governor, the Honorable Council, and the legislature of Massachusetts.
Address to the people of Massachusetts
An oration delivered before the Washington benevolent society of Massachusetts on the thirtieth day of April, 1813 : being the anniversary of the first inauguration of President Washington.
Speech delivered by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Senior : before the Whig State Convention, assembled at the Music Hall, Boston, Aug. 16, 1854.
A sermon, preached before His Excellency John Hancock, Esq., governour; the honourable the Council, and the honourable the Senate, and House of Representatives, of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 28, 1788 :
The address and proceedings of the friends of Daniel Webster assembled in Faneuil Hall, on Wednesday, September 15th, 1852, in mass convention.
A sermon preached before His Excellency John Hancock, Esq., governour, His Honor Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., lieutenant-governour, the Honourable the Council, Senate, and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 27, 1789 : being the
A sermon, preached before His Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq. governour ; His Honour Thomas Cushing, Esq. lieutenant-governour ; the Honourable the Council, Senate, and House of Representatives, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, May 31, 1786 : being th
A sermon preached before His Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq., governour, His Honour Thomas Cushing, Esq., lieutenant-governour, the Honourable the Council, and the Honourable the Senate, and House of Representatives, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, M