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Viral advertising
Communication and interactivity in B2B relationships
Factors separating winners and losers in e-business
Enhancing the effectiveness of online video advertising through interactivity
Tailored vs. invasive advertising: an empirical examination of antecedents and outcomes of consumers’ attitudes toward personalized advertising
impact of reputation orientation on marketing strategy formation and performance
Institutional Distance, Social Capital, and the Performance of Foreign Acquisitions in the United States
Application of reference point theory to merger activity and characteristics
Improving methods of communication based on culture in the business environment
Optimal positioning of web page banner advertisements
Product cycle theory and the television industry of the United States
Validating the search, experience, and credence product classification framework in a model of patronage intentions
Entropic Considerations of Efficiency in the West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Futures Market
Role of Cues in Buyers' Evaluations of Service Innovations