Current Search:  Marine turbines -- Mathematical models (x)

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Reliability-based fatigue design of marine current turbine rotor blades
Data gateway for prognostic health monitoring of ocean-based power generation
Detection, localization, and identification of bearings with raceway defect for a dynamometer using high frequency modal analysis of vibration across an array of accelerometers
Software framework for prognostic health monitoring of ocean-based power generation
Modeling and control of the "C-Plane" ocean current turbine
Hydrodynamic analysis of ocean current turbines using vortex lattice method
Design and finite element analysis of an ocean current turbine blade
Mathematical modeling of wave-current interactions in marine current turbines
Methodology for fault detection and diagnostics in an ocean turbine using vibration analysis and modeling
Fatigue modeling of composite ocean current turbine blade
Development of an integrated computational tool for design and analysis of composite turbine blades under ocean current loading
Numerical Simulation of an Ocean Current Turbine Operating in a Wake Field
Design and analysis of an ocean current turbine performance assessment system
Dissipation and eddy mixing associated with flow past an underwater turbine
Complete thermal design and modeling for the pressure vessel of an ocean turbine -
Numerical performance prediction for FAU's first generation ocean current turbine
Numerical simulation tool for moored marine hydrokinetic turbines
Numerical simulation and prediction of loads in marine current turbine full-scale rotor blades
Vibration analysis for ocean turbine reliability models
A Power Quality Monitoring System for a 20 kW Ocean Turbine
