Current Search:  Marine ecology--Florida (x)

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Metamorphic response of queen conch (Strombus gigas) larvae exposed to sediment and water from nearshore and offshore sites in the Florida Keys
Development and application of a new comprehensive image-based classification scheme for coastal and benthic environments along the southeast Florida continental shelf
Postglacial expansion of Rhizophora Mangle l. In the Caribbean Sea and Florida
Aspects of the population ecology and life history of the co-occurring crabs Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith) and Eurypanopeus dissimilis (Benedict and Rathbun) (Crustacea:Decapoda:Xanthidae)
Response of tropical marine macroalgae to thermal stress
The Role of Chemoreception and Host-Use on the Behavioral Ecology of the Pea Crab Tunicotheres moseri (Rathbun, 1918) in Tampa Bay, Florida
The Role Of Disturbance In The Genotypic And Morphological Diversity Of Halodule Wrightii