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Marine larval ecology gets a meeting of its own
It's not easy being brownish-green
Trophic Ecology of the Slender Snipe Eel, Nemichthys scolopaceus (Anguilliformes: Nemichthyidae)
The Role of Chemical Cues in Locating Pelagic Sargassum by the Associated Fish Stephanolepis hispidus
Acoustical detection of high-density demersal krill layers in the submarine canyons off Georges Bank
Effects of simulated saltwater intrusions on the growth and survival of Wild Celery, Vallisneria americana, from the Caloosahatchee Estuary (South Florida)
Prey selectivity of the fishes Stephanolepis hispidus and Histrio histrio on the Sargassum shrimps Latreutes fucorum and Leander tenuicornis
Nematocyst replacement in the sea anemone Aiptasia Pallida following predation by Lysmata Wurdemanni: an inducible defense?
role of chemical and visual cues by two Sargassum shrimps in locating and selecting habitats
Habitat location and selection by the Sargassum crab Portunus sayi
Population trends, diet, genetics, and observations of Steller sea lions in Glacier Bay National Park
The many faces of gene expression profiling: transcriptome analyses applied towardselucidating marine organismal interactions and metabolism
Ultraviolet absorption in transparent zooplankton and its implications for depth distribution and visual predation
Life on a hot, dry beach: behavioural, physiological and ultrastructural adaptations of the littorinid gastropod Cenchritis (Tectarius) muricatus
Larval predation by barnacles: effects on patch colonization in a shallow subtidal community
Feeding behavior by Asteroporpa annulata, a gorgonocephalid brittlestar with unbranched arms
In vitro culture of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata to supply the antitumor compounds ecteinascidins
Growth of Florida fighting conch, Strombus alatus, in recirculating systems
Larval ecology of marine invertebrates: a sesquicentennial history
Effects of dietary calcium and substrate on growth and survival of juvenile queen conch (Strombus gigas) cultured for stock enhancement
