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Risk of sperm competition moderatres men's relationship satisfaction and interest in their partner's copulatory orgasm
Mate value and partner-directed insults
Human mate poaching: How frequent is it and what motivates it?
Sex differences in sexual psychology produce sex-similar preferences for a short-term mate
Relationship experience as a predictor of romantic jealousy
Isle of bones
Female Directed Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective
Relationship experience as a predictor of jealousy
When we hurt the ones we love: Predicting violence against women from men's mate-retention behaviors
Gender, relationships, and social interaction among senior citizens
Mate retention and copulation frequency in humans: Complementary anti-cuckoldry tactics
La Fornarina
Evolutionary psychological perspectives on men's partner-directed violence in context of perceived partner infidelity
The Effect of Competition on Men's Sexual Psychology and Attitudes Toward Rape
Men's partner-directed insults and sexual coercion in intimate relationships
Sex differences and similarities in preferred mating arrangements
Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships: An Evolutionary Perspective Informed by Sperm Competition Theory
Disquiet chaos
