Current Search:  Lincoln, Abraham -- 1809-1865 -- Adversaries (x)

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Speech of the Hon. James Brooks, at 932 Broadway, Tuesday evening, December 30, 1862
Speech of Mr. Pugh to 50,000 voters : who nominated Vallandigham, and resolved to elect him governor of Ohio
Address of the National Democratic committee : The perils of the nation. Usurpations of the administration in Maryland and Tennessee. The remedy to be used.
An address to the democracy of the United States, on the duty of the Democratic Party, at this crisis.
Speech of Ex-Gov. Thos. H. Seymour, at the City Hall, Hartford : on Tuesday evening, February 10th, 1863
Eulogy upon the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, July 3, 1861
The Constitution : addresses of Prof. Morse, Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis, and S.J. Tilden, at the organization