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SoftBoard: A Web-based application sharing system for distance learning
Computer self-efficacy, academic self-concept and other factors as predictors of satisfaction and future participation of adult learners in Web-based distance education
Remote labs: Design and implementation issues
predictive model of student performance in Internet-based distance learning courses at the community college
Fostering self-directed learning in adolescents through e-learning
Analysis of primary educational websites
comparison of demographics, motivation, and learning strategies of college students taking traditional campus-based courses and Internet-based distance learning courses
VCOIN: Virtual Classroom Over the Internet
effect of self-efficacy on the decisions to enroll and succeed in Internet accounting courses
Exploring the impact of electronic textbook tools on student achievement in world history
Remote labs: Active element IV characteristics
effect of computer-assisted instruction on the reading skills of emergent readers
Digital Public History: Virtual Field Trips as Engaged Learning
Academic dishonesty in online courses
Public speaking as the last battlefield
Going on the Grid: Secondary Teachers’ Implementation of Mobile Handheld Devices as Instructional Tools
comparison of the outcomes of distance learning students versus traditional classroom students in the community college
Preparing Florida faculty to teach online
Advanced Placement (AP) social studies teachers' use of academic course blogs as a supplemental resource for student learning
Simulation For A Continuing Professional Education Course: Examining The Learning Gains And Perceptions Of Athletic Trainers
