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Information systems management and outsourcing: A study of American city governments
Faculty survey: electronic resources 2007-2008 general assessment report
Evaluating Google Scholar as a tool for information literacy
Moving towards Societal Geographic Information Systems through the Internet: Data access alternatives
Credibility and the Internet
Computers in biology: trends intaxonomy revealed by the published literature
Advanced web searching for the information professional
Commercialization of high-resolution earth observation satellite remote sensing
Use of GIS to improve the user interface design of an airline reservation web site
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing library tutorial
Evolving Legacy Software Systems with a Resource and Performance-Sensitive Autonomic Interaction Manager
Does leadership matter? The effects of information technology expertise on the market value and performance of a firm
Advanced Placement (AP) social studies teachers' use of academic course blogs as a supplemental resource for student learning
Help or hype?
Compliance Issues In Cloud Computing Systems
proposed expanded green space plan using GIS for natural areas in Palm Beach County
Caring in nurse managers as described by staff nurses