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Behavioral and Physiological Manifestations of Jealousy During the First Year of Life: Implications for Cortisol Reactivity, EEG Asymmetry, and Mother-Infant Attachment
Infant Jealousy Responses: Temperament and EEG
Kangaroo care with full-term infants: maternal behaviors and mother-infant bonding
development of jealousy
Maternal influence on early infant emotional regulation: A study of 3-month infant behavior, cortisol and frontal EEG
Breastfeeding and kangaroo care: biobehavioral measures of dyadic bonding, infant cortical maturation, and infant HPA reactivity
Behavioral Expressions of Jealousy Across the First Two Years of Life: Associations with EEG Asymmetry, Cortisol Reactivity and Attachment Security
The behavioral, emotional, and attentional effects of human baby schema