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Indian River fouling organisms, a review
Zoogeographical aspects of decapod crustacea in the Indian River region of Florida [abstract]
Notes on theopossum pipefish, Oostethus lineatus, from the Indian River Lagoon and vicinity, Florida
The Boy Chums on Indian River: or, The boy partners of the schooner "Orphan"
Phytoplankton ecology of the Indian River near Vero Beach, Florida
A check-list of the phytoplankton of the Indian River near Vero Beach, Florida
Ecological and zoogeographical aspects of the fishes of the Indian River region of Florida
Ultrastructuralstudies on some Mastogloia (Bacillariophyceae) species belonging to the group sulcatae
Some hydrological data from the Indian River between Sebastian and St. Lucie Inlets, Florida
Temporal dynamics of copper chemistry in the shoal grass, Halodule Wrightii Aschers
The seagrass epiphytes of the Indian River, Florida I. Species list with descriptions and seasonaloccurrences
Seasonal abundance and distribution of drift algae and seagrasses in the Mid-Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Seasonal occurrence and variation in standing crop of a drift algal community in the Indian River, Florida
Biodeposition by a fouling community in the Indian River, Florida
A physical description of longperiodnet displacement variation within the southern Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Inter-annual variability in net outflow from Indian River Lagoon
Seasonal variations in the heat energy budget of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
An introduction to the tides of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon. I. Water levels
Tidal and nontidal flushing of Florida's Indian River Lagoon
Seasonal-scale transport patterns in a multi-inlet coastal lagoon
