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A purpose-built ROV for submersible rescue
Development of specialpurpose benthic geo-chemical and biological samplers at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
Coastal pollution studies at the Harbor Branch Foundation Laboratory
A computerized database fora natural history collection
High efficiency hubless ringpropeller for underwater vehicles
Remote manipulationsystems for research ROVs
Eastern Atlantic expedition: submersible and scuba collections for bioactive organisms from the Azores to Western Africa
Habitat Use by Bottlenose Dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon
Regionalization of Scar Patterns on the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Observed at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida.
Building a diverse and innovative ocean workforcethrough collaboration and partnerships that integrate research and education: HBCUs and marinelaboratories
Manatee census of the Harbor Branch channel utilizing photo-identification techniques
Our Living Oceans: Research, Partnerships & Stewardship for the Future