Current Search: France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800 (x)
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- Title
- Lettre de la Royne av Parlement de Bretagne.
- Creator
- Marie de Médicis Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France 1573-1642, Chevalier, Pierre active 1607-1628
- Abstract/Description
Alternate title: Lettre de la royne au Parlement de Bretagne. "Escrit à Paris le 13. Feurier, 1614. Signé Marie"--Page 8. Signatures: A⁴. Woodcut armorial title vignette, decorated initial letter.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France Parlement (Brittany)
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Les Regrets de Cendrin.
- Abstract/Description
On the state of France. The princes are urged to avenge the death of Henry IV. Grievances submitted to the Estates-General have been neglected. Concini and the government are attacked. Caption title (most likely missing title page). Signatures: A-B⁴ (B4 blank). Pagination error: page 2 misnumbered as 4.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France -- États généraux
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le Pacifiqve ov avan-covrevr de la paix.
- Abstract/Description
Signatures: A-B⁴ (B4 blank). Title-page vignette; head-piece; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le Pacifiqve, ov, Avant-covrevr de la paix.
- Abstract/Description
Woodcut head-piece, decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le tableav de tovs les traitez de la paix, ov, L'abregé de l'histoire de ce temps : Dedié à la Royne regente.
- Creator
- Du Peschier, N.
- Abstract/Description
Veiled allusions to current conditions; allegiance to the monarch is urged. Attributed to N. du Peschier. Cf. Lindsay & Neu. Dedication signed (p. 4): Du Peschier. Signatures: A-Biiij. Printer's device on title page; woodcut head-pieces; initials.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le covrier general de la paix.
- Creator
- Brunet, Jean active 1614-1660
- Abstract/Description
Includes "Av roy" (page 10) and "Avx Francois" (page 11) in verse. Signatures: Aiiij-Bij. Printer's device on title page; head piece; initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le colonel de la milice de Paris : vn Dieu, vne foy : vn roy, vne loy.
- Creator
- Louis XIII King of France 1601-1643, Marie de Médicis Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France 1573-1642
- Abstract/Description
Addressed to the King and Queen-Regent on the Revolt of the Princes of the blood, pledging the loyalty of the people of Paris. Caption title (page 3): Au roy, et a la royne regente sa mere. French Royal arms on title page; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- L'anti-morgard svr ses predictions de la presente annee mil six cens quatorze.
- Creator
- Du Brueil, Antoine active 1588-1620
- Abstract/Description
Against the astronomer and anti-royalist pamphleteer Noël-Léon Morgard. In prose; not to be confused with L'anti-Mauregard, ou, Le fantosme du bien public (in verse), another work. Woodcut head-piece; initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Morgard, Noël Léon
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Cardinalis Richelii Testamentum Geminum, Christianum & Politicum.
- Creator
- Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis duc de 1585-1642
- Abstract/Description
Political and Christian Speeches and Testaments of Cardinal Richelieu. Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis duc de Richelieu, 1585-1642
- Subject Headings
- Church and state -- France -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Discovrs de Maistre Iean Iovfflv sur les debats & diuisions de ce temps.
- Creator
- Des Lauriers
- Abstract/Description
Authorship verified in BN, v. 39, p. 499. Signatures: A-Biiij (Aiiij misnumbered as Aii). Woodcut head-piece and decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Government, Resistance to -- France -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Discovrs de M. Gvillavme, et de Iacqves Bon homme Paysant, svr la defaicte de 35 poulles & le cocq faicte en vn souper par 3 soldats.
- Creator
- Guillaume Maître 1555-1624?, Bonhomme, Jacques Paysan de Beauvoisis
- Abstract/Description
A political satire.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Political satire, French -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Repliqve de Iacqves Bon-Homme, paysan de Beauuoisis, a son compere le Crocheteur.
- Creator
- Bonhomme, Jacques Paysan de Beauvoisis, Brunet, Jean active 1614-1660
- Abstract/Description
Reiteration of the general public opinion that the rebellious princes should lay down their arms and join the Crown. Replique de Jacques Bonhomme, paysan de Beauuoisis, a son compere le Crocheteur. Caption-title. Imprint from colophon. Decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- Court and courtiers -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Remonstrance faicte svr les esmotions de ce temps : a Monseignevr le prince de Condé : qui pacis ineunt consilia, sequitur eos gaudium. Proverb. 12.
- Creator
- Condé, Henri II de Bourbon prince de 1588-1646
- Abstract/Description
Appeal to Prince of Conde to disband rebellious princes and renew fealty to the Crown. A divided kingdom cannot endure. Alternate title: Remonstrance faicte sur les esmotions de ce temps : a Monseigneur le prince de Condé. Signatures: A-B⁴.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Social conditions -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- États généraux
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- La lettre dv fidelle Francois : presentee av roy.
- Creator
- Fidele Francois
- Abstract/Description
Professing devotion to his sovereign, and denouncing the disturbers of the kingdom. Alternate title: Lettre du fidelle Francois. Signed at end: Vostre plus affectionné seruiteur & subiect, Le Fidele Francois. Signatures: A⁴. Title vignette (royal device); head-piece, initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Louis -- XIII -- King of France -- 1601-1643
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Resolvtion à la paix et av service dv roy.
- Creator
- Bouillerot, Joseph active 1613-1627
- Abstract/Description
On page [14], in a different type-face, is printed "stop press" news of the announcement of peace. Signatures:; A-B⁴ (last leaf blank). Title vignette; head-piece.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Louis -- XIII -- King of France -- 1601-1643
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Remerciement a la royne regente mere dv roy. :.
- Creator
- Du Brueil, Antoine active 1588-1620
- Abstract/Description
Et a messievrs les princes & seigneurs, qui l'ont assistee. par les bons François, pour la bien-venuë de la paix. Another edition has title spelled: Remerciment a la Royne Regente, Mere du Roy. Decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Marie de Médicis -- Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France -- 1573-1642
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- La response à la lettre de Monsievr le Prince, envoyée a Messievrs dv Parlement de Bordeaux.
- Creator
- Condé, Henri II de Bourbon prince de 1588-1646, France Parlement (Toulouse)
- Abstract/Description
Concerns the revolt of the Prince of Condé, Henry II. Dated at Paris March 28, 1614; is another edition of the Lettre de Messievrs de Bovrdeavx ... Signatures: Aiiij Bij (Aiij misnumbered as Aij). Printer's device on title page; head pieces; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- Condé, Henri II de Bourbon -- prince de -- 1588-1646, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- La remonstrance de Pierre Dv Pvis svr le resveil de Maistre Guillaume : auec ma iacquette grise Plusieurs lourdauts ie mesprise.
- Creator
- Dupuy, Pierre 1582-1651
- Abstract/Description
Alternate title: Remonstrance de Pierre Du Puis sur le resveil de Maistre Guillaume. Signatures: A-B⁴ (B4 blank). Title-page vignette; woodcut head-piece, decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Guillaume -- Maître -- 1555-1624 -- Reveil de Maistre Guillaume aux bruits de ce temps
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- La remonstrance de Pierre Dv Pvits, svr le resveil de Maistre Guillaume : auec ma iacquettegrise plusieurs lourdauts ie mesprise.
- Creator
- Dupuy, Pierre 1582-1651
- Abstract/Description
Alternate title: Remonstrance de Pierre du Puits, sur le resueil de Maistre Guillaume. Reply to Le Reveil de Maistre Guillaume, pseud.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Guillaume -- Maître -- 1555-1624 -- Reveil de Maistre Guillaume aux bruits de ce temps
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Bref Recit De Tovt Ce Qvi s'est passé pour l'execution & iuste punition de la Marquize d'Anchre.
- Creator
- Saugrain, Abraham 1567-1622
- Abstract/Description
Auec son Anagramme, et deux Epitaphes, dont l'vne est Chronologique. Alternate title: Bref recit de tout ce qui s'est passé pour l'execution & iuste punition de la marquize d'Anchre. Signatures: A-B⁴ (last leaf blank). Pagination error: page 12 misnumbered as 18. Ornament on title page. Woodcut head-piece; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- Concini, Concino -- maréchal d'Ancre -- approximately 1575-1617, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Galigaï, Léonora -- approximately 1571-1617
- Format
- E-book