Current Search: France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800 (x)
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- Title
- Le lovrdavt de Champagne : Rencontré par l'Esprit de la Cour, à la monstre qui se faisoit au Pré aux Clercs pres de Paris mis en dialogue par A.C.
- Creator
- Beaunis de Chanterain, Pierre 1580? 1630?
- Abstract/Description
Dialogue between the dunce and the court wit commenting on politics, theology, nobles, current affairs. A.C.= Pierre Beaunis, Lord of the Viettes. Signatures: A-B⁴. Title vignette; woodcut head-piece, initial. A variant printing with 15 pages, without a printed ornament on title page, published under title: Le lovrdavt vagabond.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le lovrdavt vagabond :.
- Creator
- Beaunis de Chanterain, Pierre 1580? 1630
- Abstract/Description
rencontré par l'esprit de la cour, à la monstre qui se faisoit au pré aux clercs pres de Paris mis en dialogue par A.C. A.C.= Pierre Beaunis, Lord of the Viettes. Signatures: A-B⁴. Lindsey and Neu refer to verse; this copy is prose. A variant printing with 16 pages has a small printed ornament on title page, published under title: Le lovrdavt de Champagne. Dialogue between the dunce and the court wit commenting on politics, theology, nobles, current affairs.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Lettre de la Royne av Parlement de Bretagne.
- Creator
- Marie de Médicis Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France 1573-1642, Chevalier, Pierre active 1607-1628
- Abstract/Description
Alternate title: Lettre de la royne au Parlement de Bretagne. "Escrit à Paris le 13. Feurier, 1614. Signé Marie"--Page 8. Signatures: A⁴. Woodcut armorial title vignette, decorated initial letter.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France Parlement (Brittany)
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Les Regrets de Cendrin.
- Abstract/Description
On the state of France. The princes are urged to avenge the death of Henry IV. Grievances submitted to the Estates-General have been neglected. Concini and the government are attacked. Caption title (most likely missing title page). Signatures: A-B⁴ (B4 blank). Pagination error: page 2 misnumbered as 4.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France -- États généraux
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le Pacifiqve ov avan-covrevr de la paix.
- Abstract/Description
Signatures: A-B⁴ (B4 blank). Title-page vignette; head-piece; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le Pacifiqve, ov, Avant-covrevr de la paix.
- Abstract/Description
Woodcut head-piece, decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le tableav de tovs les traitez de la paix, ov, L'abregé de l'histoire de ce temps : Dedié à la Royne regente.
- Creator
- Du Peschier, N.
- Abstract/Description
Veiled allusions to current conditions; allegiance to the monarch is urged. Attributed to N. du Peschier. Cf. Lindsay & Neu. Dedication signed (p. 4): Du Peschier. Signatures: A-Biiij. Printer's device on title page; woodcut head-pieces; initials.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le covrier general de la paix.
- Creator
- Brunet, Jean active 1614-1660
- Abstract/Description
Includes "Av roy" (page 10) and "Avx Francois" (page 11) in verse. Signatures: Aiiij-Bij. Printer's device on title page; head piece; initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le colonel de la milice de Paris : vn Dieu, vne foy : vn roy, vne loy.
- Creator
- Louis XIII King of France 1601-1643, Marie de Médicis Queen, consort of Henry IV, King of France 1573-1642
- Abstract/Description
Addressed to the King and Queen-Regent on the Revolt of the Princes of the blood, pledging the loyalty of the people of Paris. Caption title (page 3): Au roy, et a la royne regente sa mere. French Royal arms on title page; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- L'anti-morgard svr ses predictions de la presente annee mil six cens quatorze.
- Creator
- Du Brueil, Antoine active 1588-1620
- Abstract/Description
Against the astronomer and anti-royalist pamphleteer Noël-Léon Morgard. In prose; not to be confused with L'anti-Mauregard, ou, Le fantosme du bien public (in verse), another work. Woodcut head-piece; initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Morgard, Noël Léon
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Francophilie presentee av Roy, svr la resolvtion de son voyage par le Sr. Mangeart, A.
- Creator
- Mangeart, François
- Abstract/Description
Comments and advice on Louis XIII's journey of 1622 with overtones on the war against the Protestants. Alternate title: Francophilie presentee au Roy, sur la resolution de son voyage. Signatures: A-E⁴ (final leaf blank). Title vignette (coat of arms); woodcut head-piece; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Louis -- XIII -- King of France -- 1601-1643
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Advertissement a Messieurs les deputez du clergé sur la decadence de l'Eglise gallicane.
- Abstract/Description
Caption title. Printed marginalia. Pagination error: page 32 misnumbered as 23.
- Subject Headings
- Clergy -- France -- Early works to 1800, France -- Church history -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Coniovissance de Iacqves Bon Homme, paysan de Beauuoisis : Auec Messeigneurs les Princes reconciliés.
- Creator
- Bonhomme, Jacques Paysan de Beauvoisis
- Abstract/Description
Coniouissance de Jacques Bonhomme, paysan de Beavvoisis. Bonhomme discussed the negative impacts of war on the peasants; peace is essential. Signed at end: Iacqves Bon-Homme. Title vignette; woodcut head-piece, decorative initial. Signatures: A-B⁴.
- Subject Headings
- Condé, Henri II de Bourbon -- prince de -- 1588-1646, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Discovrs de Maistre Iean Iovfflv sur les debats & diuisions de ce temps.
- Creator
- Des Lauriers
- Abstract/Description
Authorship verified in BN, v. 39, p. 499. Signatures: A-Biiij (Aiiij misnumbered as Aii). Woodcut head-piece and decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Government, Resistance to -- France -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- La lettre dv fidelle Francois : presentee av roy.
- Creator
- Fidele Francois
- Abstract/Description
Professing devotion to his sovereign, and denouncing the disturbers of the kingdom. Alternate title: Lettre du fidelle Francois. Signed at end: Vostre plus affectionné seruiteur & subiect, Le Fidele Francois. Signatures: A⁴. Title vignette (royal device); head-piece, initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Louis -- XIII -- King of France -- 1601-1643
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Resolvtion à la paix et av service dv roy.
- Creator
- Bouillerot, Joseph active 1613-1627
- Abstract/Description
On page [14], in a different type-face, is printed "stop press" news of the announcement of peace. Signatures:; A-B⁴ (last leaf blank). Title vignette; head-piece.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, Louis -- XIII -- King of France -- 1601-1643
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Recit veritable de la mort du Sieur baron de Heurteuan decapité à Paris, deuant la croix du tiroir le mardy 21. de mars.
- Creator
- Du Brueil, Antoine active 1588-1620
- Abstract/Description
Title page vignette; woodcut head-piece; decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Heurtevan -- baron de -- 1617 -- Death and burial
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Remonstrance faicte svr les esmotions de ce temps : a Monseignevr le prince de Condé : qui pacis ineunt consilia, sequitur eos gaudium. Proverb. 12.
- Creator
- Condé, Henri II de Bourbon prince de 1588-1646
- Abstract/Description
Appeal to Prince of Conde to disband rebellious princes and renew fealty to the Crown. A divided kingdom cannot endure. Alternate title: Remonstrance faicte sur les esmotions de ce temps : a Monseigneur le prince de Condé. Signatures: A-B⁴.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Social conditions -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- États généraux
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Repliqve de Iacqves Bon-Homme, paysan de Beauuoisis, a son compere le Crocheteur.
- Creator
- Bonhomme, Jacques Paysan de Beauvoisis, Brunet, Jean active 1614-1660
- Abstract/Description
Reiteration of the general public opinion that the rebellious princes should lay down their arms and join the Crown. Replique de Jacques Bonhomme, paysan de Beauuoisis, a son compere le Crocheteur. Caption-title. Imprint from colophon. Decorative initial.
- Subject Headings
- France -- Court and courtiers -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- Politics and government -- 1610-1643 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Le franc tavpin : les abuseurs ingrats au Dieu de la nature. Et à mon Roy Henry, & à sa geniture, se façonnent des-jà vn reformé Iupin:.
- Abstract/Description
Mais si le Roy Louys leur addresse la guerre. Ie veux perdre mon nom de brave Frăc taupin s'il ne les mande tous au centre de la terre. Alternate title: Franc taupin. Signatures: A-B⁴. Title-page vignette. Discusses the disorders of the country and is against the Huguenots.
- Subject Headings
- France -- History -- Louis XIII, 1610-1643 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Huguenots -- France -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book