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numerical study of bluff body aerodynamics by vortex method
Rapid distortion theory for rotor inflows
Far-Field Noise From a Rotor in a Wind Tunnel
Predicting the flow & noise of a rotor in a turbulent boundary layer using an actuator disk – Rans approach
Evaluation of motion compensated ADV measurements for quantifying velocity fluctuations
acoustic far field of a turbulent boundary layer flow calculated from RANS simulations of the flow
Electrochemical aspects of magnetohydrodynamic thrusters
Experimental Investigation of Skin Friction Drag Reduction on a Flat Plate using Microbubbles
Aerodynamic analysis of a propeller in a turbulent boundary layer flow
Spectral evaluation of motion compensated adv systems for ocean turbulence measurements
Barometric distillation and the problem of non-condensable gases
Experimental analysis of the effect of waves on a floating wind turbine
caHydrodynamic analysis of flapping foils for the propulsion of near surface under water vehicles using the panel method
Internal waves on a continental shelf
Hydrodynamics of mangrove root-type models
Developing interpretive turbulence models from a database with applications to wind farms and shipboard operations
Some corrosion problems associated with underwater turbines
Design and Deployment Analysis of Morphing Ocean Structure
Subjecting the CHIMERA supernova code to two hydrodynamic test problems, (i) Riemann problem and (ii) Point blast explosion