Current Search:  Fluid dynamics -- Mathematical models (x)

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Emission characteristics of a liquid spray sudden expansion combustor using computational fluid dynamics
Rapid distortion theory for rotor inflows
Predicting the flow & noise of a rotor in a turbulent boundary layer using an actuator disk – Rans approach
Numerical models to simulate underwater turbine noise levels
Far-Field Noise From a Rotor in a Wind Tunnel
Data gateway for prognostic health monitoring of ocean-based power generation
Detection, localization, and identification of bearings with raceway defect for a dynamometer using high frequency modal analysis of vibration across an array of accelerometers
Software framework for prognostic health monitoring of ocean-based power generation
acoustic far field of a turbulent boundary layer flow calculated from RANS simulations of the flow
Design and finite element analysis of an ocean current turbine blade
Methodology for fault detection and diagnostics in an ocean turbine using vibration analysis and modeling
Aerodynamic analysis of a propeller in a turbulent boundary layer flow
Stability of an elliptical vortex in a time-dependent strain field
Noise Radiation From A Cylindrical Embossment Immersed In Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow
Noise radiation from small steps and cubic roughness elements in turbulent boundary layer flow
Numerical Simulation of an Ocean Current Turbine Operating in a Wake Field
Evaluation of motion compensated ADV measurements for quantifying velocity fluctuations
Numerical Assessment of Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Models of an Axial-Flow Turbine at a Low Reynolds Number
Design and analysis of an ocean current turbine performance assessment system
