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The Non-Random Selection of Medicinal Plants Theory: a Case Study of a Kichwa Community in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Ethnobotany in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal: Implications for Conservation Through Interactions of Plants, People, Culture and Geography
Hat weaving with Jipi, Carludovica palmata (Cyclanthaceae) in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
"Starvation taught me art": Tree poaching, gender and cultural shifts in wood curio carving in Zimbabwe
Exploring conservation: Piquigua, Heteropsis Ecuadorensis, in Ecuador
Natural resource use and cultural change: Nipa hut shingle processing with Nypa fruticans, Arecaceae, in Palawan, Philippines
Mangement, cultivation, and domestication of weaving plants: Heteropsis and Astrocaryum in the Ecuadorian rain forest
Cultivated food plants: culture and gendered spaces of colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador
Resource stewardship: rain forest use among three ethnic groups of Ecuador