Current Search:  Enzyme inhibitors (x)

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Discorhabdin P, a new enzyme inhibitor from a deep-water Caribbean sponge of the genus Batzella
In search of MMP specific inhibitors
Thermodynamic Origins of Selectivity in the Interactions of N- TIMP Variants and Metalloproteinases Catalytic Domains
Thermodynamics-structure correlations of interactions between metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase variants
Topological Specificity in Inhibitor Recognition by Matrix Metalloproteinases
Proteomic identification of N86-hnRNPU-interacting proteins involved in HIV-1 inhibition
A study of Caenorhabditis elegans tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
Characterization and optimization of in vitro assay conditions for (1,3)β-glucan synthase activity from Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans for enzyme inhibition screening
Engineered and natural TIMP mutations
Reciprocal regulation between taurine and glutamate response via Ca2+ - dependent pathways in retinal third-order neurons