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A study of the Perceptions of Public School District Superintendents in the State of Florida Regarding Recommendations for Education Reform
Globalization and Higher Education in Florida's State University System
Adult Learner Success in Accelerated Associate Degree Programs at a Regionally Accredited Multi-Campus Proprietary Institution
Communicative Leadership During Organizational Change: A Case Study of a New University President’s Change-Initiative Team
Perceptions of tenth-grade mathematics teachers and school administrators toward Florida's school accountability system: The A+ Plan
exploratory study of the perceptions and experiences of selected educators on the infusion of multicultural education into the language arts curriculum in Broward County, Florida, public schools
How Jamaican administrators in a large school district in Florida perceive ethnicity, gender, and mentoring have impacted their career experiences
Time Orientation and the Ability to Envision the Distant Future of Higher Education in a Community College
Soil of misfortune: Education, poverty, and race in a rural south Florida community
Florida's School Choice Policies and Democracy: Origins and Destinations
Sustaining reform efforts in Broward County schools: A study of the Coalition of Essential Schools
Teacher involvement in school reform