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A review of the colonization dynamics of the northern curly-tailed lizard (Leiocephalus Carinatus Armouri) in Florida
Ecosystem health and environmental influences on innate immune function in the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle
Hydrologic and topographic gradient effects on woody vegetation of tree islands in the Everglades Wildlife Management Area
Mangrove Morphological Change Across an Environmental Gradients: Implications for Competitive Ability in a Changing Climate
Can rewatering reverse the effects of regional drainage on forest communities of the Big Cypress Swamp?
The effects of systemic herbicide used for invasive species management on a native Florida scrub seed bank
Generating space-time hypotheses in complex social-ecological systems
Resource use, competition, grazing behavior, and ecosystem invasion impacts of Pomacea maculata
Body Condition of Juvenile Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) in Anthropogenic Refuges on the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation during the 2006 Dry Season
Determining vegetative complexity, biodiversity and species richness on tree islands of the northern Everglades
effect of hydroperiod on the growth of the crayfish species Procambarus alleni and Procambarus fallax: Two keystone species in the Florida Everglades
The fate of copper in flooded south Florida agricultural soils and its toxicological effects on the Florida apple snail, Pomacea paludosa
Using Normal Color, Six Inch Resolution Digital Ortho-Photographs In Mapping Pomacea paludosa Habitat in Grassy Waters Preserve as a Natural Resource Management Tool for the Endangered Florida Raptor, Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus
Amount and economic valuation of feral hog damage to a unique basin marsh wetland in Florida
Post-fire Succession and Carbon Storage in the Northern Everglades
Historical analysis of development and its impact on the ecology of the Grassy Waters Preserve
Mapping wetland vegetation with LIDAR in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA