Current Search:  Curriculum planning (x)

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The junior naturalist program
An Introductory Calculus Course for Management Majors
“Panyard” Steelpan Experiences Impact on Secondary Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices: A Case Study
contributions of a Holocaust and human rights education program to teacher learning
Cognitive styles and concept mapping dimensions of hypermedia computer users
Language and leadership: Exploring the relationship between critical theories and the hegemonic construction of student achievement
Exploring the impact of electronic textbook tools on student achievement in world history
Elementary school teachers’ perceptions of bullying and antibullying curriculum: a qualitative case study
Curricular integration in higher education: The development and implementation of an elementary education/English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) endorsement degree program at Florida Atlantic University
Examining principled L1 use in the foreign language classroom
Influence of a professional development module focused on the research-based evidence of the culture and gender bias found in Disney animated fairy tales on preprimary early childhood teachers
The effect of a student achievement curriculum on grade 9 completion rate and student engagement
Understanding how national board certified secondary mathematics teachers integrate academic and social knowledge of students into their practice
Integration of geospatial technologies into K-12 curriculum
Technology and fifth grade teaching
Quality children's literature that supports fifth-grade state standards in United States history: A content analysis of historical fiction, biography, and informational tradebooks
History at the Gates: How Teacher and School Characteristics Relate to Implementation of a State Mandate on Holocaust Education
The relationship between item difficulty and discrimination indices in multiple-choice tests in a physical science course
Exploring the influence of middle school leaders on middle school girls' interest in high school science enrollment
