Current Search:  Corporate governence (x)

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Environmental Regulation Stringency and Voluntary Environmental Disclosure
Consequences of real earnings management and corporate governance
Cross-border M&A deal incompletion: institutional processes and outcomes
The effect of shareholder rights and information asymmetry on  option-related repurchase activity
impact of reputation orientation on marketing strategy formation and performance
PCAOB inspections and audit quality evidence from cross-listed securities
differential effects of agency costs on multinational corporations: Theory and evidence
Strategic information disclosure when there is fundamental disagreement: an empirical investigation
Mussolini: Quatre discours pour l'etat corporatif
Antecedents and consequences of pay disparity between CEO and non-CEO executives
The Effect of Alliance Portfolio Size on Firm Performance Revisited: The Role of Firm- and Portfolio-Level Contingencies
Can Priming a Firm’s Organizational Identity Overcome the Influences of National Culture on Auditor Judgment?
Essays on takeover defenses and cancellations
Firm Social Network, Information Transfer and Information Environment
Imprinting Effects of Founding Conditions, Structure, and Capabilities on Social and Financial Organizational Outcome Satisfaction
Maturity of IT risk management practices and reporting structure: an it manager perspective
Reframing our understanding of nonprofit regulation through the use of the institutional analysis and development framework
Economic Consequences of Implementing the Engagement Partner Signature Requirement in the UK
Big 4 global networks: degree of homogeneity of audit quality among affiliates and relevance of PCAOB inspections
Are the regulatory reforms working?
