Current Search: Coral reef conservation (x)
Deepsea coral collection protocols: a synthesis of field experience from deep-sea coral researchers, designed to build our national capacity to document deep-sea coral diversity.
Etnoyer, P., Cairns, S. D., Sanchez, J. A., Reed, John K., Lopez, Jose V., Schroeder, W. W., Brooke, S. D., Watling, L., Baco-Taylor, A., Williams, G. C., Lindner, A., France, Scott C., Bruckner, A. W.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Deep sea corals, Corals --Collection and preservation, Deep-sea ecology, Octocorallia, Coral reef conservation
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Coral-Algal Symbioses in Mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa in the Gulf of Mexico.
Polinski, Jennifer, Voss, Joshua, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
Mesophotic reefs represent biodiverse ecosystems that may act as a refuge for depth-generalist coral species threatened in shallow habitats. Despite the importance of coral-algal symbioses, few studies focus on mesophotic zooxanthellae assemblages and their influence on connectivity. This study compared zooxanthellae in Montastraea cavernosa at shallow and mesophotic depths at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and McGrail Bank. Mesophotic corals contained more zooxanthellae and...
Show moreMesophotic reefs represent biodiverse ecosystems that may act as a refuge for depth-generalist coral species threatened in shallow habitats. Despite the importance of coral-algal symbioses, few studies focus on mesophotic zooxanthellae assemblages and their influence on connectivity. This study compared zooxanthellae in Montastraea cavernosa at shallow and mesophotic depths at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary and McGrail Bank. Mesophotic corals contained more zooxanthellae and more chlorophyll a and c2 per unit area coral. Increased zooxanthellae within mesophotic corals may represent an adaptive strategy to optimize light capture in low-light environments. Genetic profiles for zooxanthellae assemblages from shallow and mesophotic corals showed similar diversity across banks and between depths. The dominant sequence making up assemblages was identified as Symbiodinium type C1. Similar assemblage diversity suggests that zooxanthellae assemblages will not limit connectivity potential between shallow and mesophotic corals at these reefs.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Adaptation (Biology), Coral reef biology, Coral reef ecology -- Research, Coral reefs and islands -- Monitoring, Corals -- Habitat, Marine biodiversity, Marine resources conservation
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Florida’s Deep-water Oculina Reefs: A National Treasure in Peril.
Selch, Donna, Reed, John, Cousin, Brian
Documentary of the discovery, research and and efforts to protect the deep-water Oculina coral reefs off Florida. These Oculina reefs occur exclusively off eastern Florida at depths of 300 ft, and nowhere else on earth. First discovered by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution scientists with the Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles in 1975, they were made the first deep-water coral marine protected area in the world in 1984. Conservation efforts continue today to prevent destructive bottom trawl...
Show moreDocumentary of the discovery, research and and efforts to protect the deep-water Oculina coral reefs off Florida. These Oculina reefs occur exclusively off eastern Florida at depths of 300 ft, and nowhere else on earth. First discovered by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution scientists with the Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles in 1975, they were made the first deep-water coral marine protected area in the world in 1984. Conservation efforts continue today to prevent destructive bottom trawl fisheries from fishing within the Oculina Habitat Area of Particular Concern. Funding by the LINK foundation. Dedicated to Dr. Robert Avent & Edwin Link
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Subject Headings
Coral reef conservation--Florida, Coral reef ecology--Research--Florida., Oceanography--Florida.
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