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- Title
- Creator
- Schiariti, Joshua P., Salmon, Michael, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Abstract/Description
Hatchling loggerhead turtles emerge from subsurface nests on the beach at night, crawl down the beach and enter the sea. Recently, increases in a floating algae (Sargassum) has been reported in the mid-Atlantic and the Caribbean, resulting in large algal wrack on Florida beaches. The purpose of my study was to determine if these accumulations acted as a barrier, preventing hatchlings from completing their crawl to the sea. To address this issue I recorded seasonal changes in Sargassum density...
Show moreHatchling loggerhead turtles emerge from subsurface nests on the beach at night, crawl down the beach and enter the sea. Recently, increases in a floating algae (Sargassum) has been reported in the mid-Atlantic and the Caribbean, resulting in large algal wrack on Florida beaches. The purpose of my study was to determine if these accumulations acted as a barrier, preventing hatchlings from completing their crawl to the sea. To address this issue I recorded seasonal changes in Sargassum density and directly observed when, and under what circumstances, hatchlings could cross the wrack. There was a significant overlap between when Sargassum accumulation peaked and when the turtles emerged, with the result that hatchling recruitment was significantly reduced (by~22%) during the 2020 nesting season. I conclude that algal accumulations represent a significant threat that may impede the recovery of loggerhead populations, that are currently threatened or endangered worldwide.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2021
- Subject Headings
- Loggerhead turtle, Sargassum, Conservation biology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Shifting Relationship: Understanding the Dynamics Between Generational Ranchers, Conservation, and Urbanization in Florida.
- Creator
- Grant, Catalin T., Garriga- López, Adriana, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Anthropology, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study is to understand how the relationship between generational cattle ranchers and conservation efforts is changing given rapid development and urbanization within the state of Florida over the past decade. To understand this relationship, the author used participant observation in conjunction with ethnographic interviews to work with ranchers and individuals from the Green Paths Foundation to draw a comprehensive picture of how development has affected ranching and...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to understand how the relationship between generational cattle ranchers and conservation efforts is changing given rapid development and urbanization within the state of Florida over the past decade. To understand this relationship, the author used participant observation in conjunction with ethnographic interviews to work with ranchers and individuals from the Green Paths Foundation to draw a comprehensive picture of how development has affected ranching and conservation efforts in Florida. With the help of cultural consultants, I was able to make additional connections within the ranching and conservation communities that helped to provide further context to the question being investigated in this thesis and to understand how Florida’s Conservation Corridor mediates between ranchers and conservation imperatives.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2024
- Subject Headings
- Ecology, Anthropology, Ranchers, Conservation biology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Investigating vertebrate relationships of the south Florida gopher tortoise: a study of vertebrate species within scrub, pine rockland, coastal hammock and grassland habitats.
- Creator
- Melanson, Lauren, Frazier, Evelyn, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Abstract/Description
The gopher tortoise is a keystone species that creates networks of underground burrows that are home to an additional 350 species, where 60 are vertebrates. Vertebrates have been shown to differ between habitat types and seasonally, but limited information is known about vertebrate associates in our region. This study was one of the first to investigate this in our region of south Florida. This study was designed to investigate factors that may affect the presence of vertebrates at gopher...
Show moreThe gopher tortoise is a keystone species that creates networks of underground burrows that are home to an additional 350 species, where 60 are vertebrates. Vertebrates have been shown to differ between habitat types and seasonally, but limited information is known about vertebrate associates in our region. This study was one of the first to investigate this in our region of south Florida. This study was designed to investigate factors that may affect the presence of vertebrates at gopher tortoise burrows. Camera data was collected to determine vertebrate presence and if specific vertebrate groups elicit a territorial response from the tortoise, while habitat vegetation surveys and weather data were collected to evaluate seasonality. Statistical analysis showed variation in vertebrate presence both seasonally and by habitat type. Few territorial interactions were observed overall. This study acts as a starting point to increase our understanding of local tortoise populations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2021
- Subject Headings
- Gopher tortoise, Keystone species, Vertebrates, Conservation biology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
- Shlepr, Katherine R., Gawlik, Dale E., Milton, Sarah L., Florida Atlantic University, Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Abstract/Description
Urbanization and land development, climate change, pollution, the spread of invasive species, and sea level rise are unprecedented challenges that have led to 25% of avian species worldwide facing an elevated risk of extinction. Under rapidly changing environmental conditions, traditional population models are not ideal because they typically assume that demographic parameters are static in order to estimate the probability of species extinction over a chosen timeframe. This assumption...
Show moreUrbanization and land development, climate change, pollution, the spread of invasive species, and sea level rise are unprecedented challenges that have led to 25% of avian species worldwide facing an elevated risk of extinction. Under rapidly changing environmental conditions, traditional population models are not ideal because they typically assume that demographic parameters are static in order to estimate the probability of species extinction over a chosen timeframe. This assumption disregards species’ potential to adapt to environmental change; adaptations which could alter not only a species’ extinction outlook but also its legal protection status. The goal of my PhD research is to re-evaluate the risk of extinction of one threatened species, the Wood Stork (Mycteria americana), by accounting for potential adaptation in the context of planned and predicted changes in the southeastern United States. Since the 1970s, Wood Storks have shifted the timing of their breeding season, expanded their range northward and into novel habitats in urban areas, and begun consuming non-native fishes. I investigate these observations by comparing the physiology and diet of Wood Storks nesting in the historical core of their U.S. range (tree islands in the flooded Everglades marsh) with storks occupying novel habitats in urban and temperate locations. Faster growth rate, improved body condition, and increased survival by nestlings in urban areas would be evidence that colonies on the leading edge of the species’ range may be capable of sustaining growth of the whole population. In a third and final chapter, I forecast nest abundance and distribution patterns in the entirety of the U.S. range given various hydrological scenarios. Increased Wood Stork population size and stability are recovery criteria which must be met before the species can qualify for removal from the federal Endangered Species List. More broadly, understanding Wood Stork response to human development in the Everglades illuminates general patterns in avian species response to extreme changes in landscape, and could serve as a framework for proactively incorporating evolutionary potential into the framework of Endangered Species Act recovery in other species which have a high adaptive capacity.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2022
- Subject Headings
- Wood stork, Urbanization, Adaptation (Biology), Wildlife conservation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Effects of Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus Septentrionalis) removal on native Florida hyla populations.
- Creator
- Cunningham, Miranda, Moore, Jon, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
Invasive species are one of the major threats to biodiversity and understanding the effects any one invasive species has on members of its new ecosystem can help land managers decide how to best use their limited resources. This study attempted to show the effect Cuban Treefrogs (Osteopilus Septentrionalis) were having on native Florida hylids. For a year, Cuban Treefrogs were removed from three cypress domes and monitored in three other cypress domes, a change in the native population in the...
Show moreInvasive species are one of the major threats to biodiversity and understanding the effects any one invasive species has on members of its new ecosystem can help land managers decide how to best use their limited resources. This study attempted to show the effect Cuban Treefrogs (Osteopilus Septentrionalis) were having on native Florida hylids. For a year, Cuban Treefrogs were removed from three cypress domes and monitored in three other cypress domes, a change in the native population in the experimental domes was the eventual desired effect. Due to weather issues and low native hylid numbers no effect was shown, however due to environmental constraints an effect could not be ruled out either.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Subject Headings
- Conservation biology, Cuban Treefrog -- Florida, Hylidae, Predation (Biology), Wildlife management
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Population Genetic Structure, Movement Patterns, and Environmental Preferences of the Pelagic Wahoo, Acanthocyhium solandri.
- Creator
- Theisen, Timothy Charles, Florida Atlantic University, Baldwin, John D., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
The wahoo, Acanthocyhium solandri, is a pelagic marine fish which inhabits tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate waters worldwide. Despite being highly mobile and economically important over most of their range, there is little scientific data concerning population structure, movement patterns, or environmental preferences of wahoo. In this study I investigate wahoo genetic population structure and phytogeography on a global scale, and deploy pop-up satellite archival tags (PSA T's) in...
Show moreThe wahoo, Acanthocyhium solandri, is a pelagic marine fish which inhabits tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate waters worldwide. Despite being highly mobile and economically important over most of their range, there is little scientific data concerning population structure, movement patterns, or environmental preferences of wahoo. In this study I investigate wahoo genetic population structure and phytogeography on a global scale, and deploy pop-up satellite archival tags (PSA T's) in the western Atlantic Ocean to determine movement patterns and environmental preferences of wahoo. Wahoo population genetic structure was examined across their entire global range with intron six of lactate dehydrogenase-A (ldhA6, 10 locations, N = 213) and mtDNA cytochrome h (Cyth, 13 locations, N = 322). Results show extensive sharing ofhaplotypes and no significant structure between all locations (mtDNA ~ST < 0.0001, P = 0.634; nuclear FsT = 0.0125, P = 0.1 06). Overall nuclear heterozygosity (H = 0.714) and mtDNA haplotype diversity (h = 0.918) are both high, while overall mtDNA nucleotide diversity (n = 0.006) and nuclear nucleotide diversity (n = 0.004) are uniformly low. Coalescence indicates an effective female population size CNeF) at - 816,000, and a population bottleneck - 690,000 years ago. Movement patterns and environmental preferences were investigated by deploying PSA T's onto four individual wahoo in the western Atlantic Ocean. Tagging success rate (75%) validates the deployment protocol developed for this project. Results indicate that wahoo in the western Atlantic ocean spend the greatest portion of their time between 0 and 20 meters of depth, and between temperatures of 20oC and 26°C. More time was spent near the deeper extremes of their range during the nocturnal period, and daily visits to the surface were observed. Wahoo were observed traveling north in Fall and Winter, contrary to previous notions concerning the migratory movements of this species. The genetic results indicate a worldwide stock for wahoo, which reinforces the mandate for international cooperation on fisheries issues. The PSA T results demonstrate the value of the acquired data to the investigation of important life history parameters in pelagic species. The information generated from this project will benefit fisheries managers, marine biologists, evolutionary biologists, and both commercial and recreational fishing interests.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Population genetics, Marine biology, Biological diversity, Fish populations--Conservation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Jaws of significance: the conservationist's perception of the shark in South Florida.
- Creator
- Nason, Patrick., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Anthropology
- Abstract/Description
In examining the intentional relationship between the conservationist and the shark in South Florida, this thesis considers the latter as both a scarce natural resource - caught up in what Clifford Geertz citing Weber referred to as "webs of significance" (Geertz 1973:5) - and as a reflection of dynamic human conceptions of nature : a meta shark. This complex relationship is described by interpretations of conservation discourse recorded through ethnographic interviews that demonstrate how...
Show moreIn examining the intentional relationship between the conservationist and the shark in South Florida, this thesis considers the latter as both a scarce natural resource - caught up in what Clifford Geertz citing Weber referred to as "webs of significance" (Geertz 1973:5) - and as a reflection of dynamic human conceptions of nature : a meta shark. This complex relationship is described by interpretations of conservation discourse recorded through ethnographic interviews that demonstrate how these perceptions have been influenced by factors such as personal experiences, film and text, and broad changes in the relationship between humans and nature since the early days of the environmental movement. By linking these perceptual changes with changes in American shark conservation policy, this work not only explains a relationship between culture, perception, and policy, but also celebrates the emergence of a multispecies marine community.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Subject Headings
- Sharks, Conservation, Predation (Biology), Wildlife conservation, Aquatic resources conservation, Marine animals, Ecology, Human-animal relationships
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An introduction to the Abacoa Greenway.
- Creator
- Blubaugh, Carmen., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
- Abstract/Description
Greenways are corridors of relatively intact natural vegetation through otherwise disturbed habitat that typically connect larger protected natural areas. The establishment of greenway systems throughout the United States is a testament to the increasing recognition of the necessity to incorporate wild areas within urban and other disturbed landscapes for the sake of biological sustainability and the emotional welfare of human residents. In my thesis, I examine a local greenway in Jupiter,...
Show moreGreenways are corridors of relatively intact natural vegetation through otherwise disturbed habitat that typically connect larger protected natural areas. The establishment of greenway systems throughout the United States is a testament to the increasing recognition of the necessity to incorporate wild areas within urban and other disturbed landscapes for the sake of biological sustainability and the emotional welfare of human residents. In my thesis, I examine a local greenway in Jupiter, Florida, the Abacoa Greenway, which is both product and component of the greenway movement, a recent and revolutionary phenomenon in urban planning. I evaluate the greenway's ecology, the specific functions it serves, and its significance within the broader realm of environmental ethics. The primary protected habitats are a mixture of scrubby pine flatwoods and shallow wetland basins. The flatwoods provide important habitats for numerous native species, including the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) and the many commensal species that live in the tortoises' burrows. The shallow wetland basins also serve a number of purposes, including a surface water management system. As a whole, the greenway is an important resource for human recreation and environmental education, including scholarly research by students and faculty at Florida Atlantic University. It serves as important link between people and nature in an urban setting where they might otherwise be completely estranged.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Subject Headings
- Greenways, Biological diversity conservation, Government policy, Nature conservation, Government policy, Ecology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Ecological correlates of the abundance of juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia Mydas) on nearshore reefs in southeast Florida.
- Creator
- Stadler, Melanie, Salmon, Michael, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
Juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) abundance differs among nearshore reefs, but why some sites are preferred over others is unknown. My study had two objectives: to quantify differences in abundance over time (one year) and to determine what ecological factors were correlated with those differences. I conducted quarterly surveys on reefs in Palm Beach and Broward Counties and compared reef sites with respect to (i) water depth, (ii) algal abundance and composition, and (iii) changes in...
Show moreJuvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) abundance differs among nearshore reefs, but why some sites are preferred over others is unknown. My study had two objectives: to quantify differences in abundance over time (one year) and to determine what ecological factors were correlated with those differences. I conducted quarterly surveys on reefs in Palm Beach and Broward Counties and compared reef sites with respect to (i) water depth, (ii) algal abundance and composition, and (iii) changes in reef area (caused by sand covering) through time (11 years). Turtles were most abundant on shallow reefs exposed to high light levels that remained stable (uncovered by sand) for long periods of time. These reefs had the highest diversity of algal species, in part because cropping by the turtles prevented any one species from becoming dominant. My results suggest that both physical and biological factors make some reefs more attractive to turtles than others
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Subject Headings
- Conservation biology -- Florida, Ecology -- Statistical methods, Sea turtles -- Ecology -- Florida, Wildlife conservation -- Florida
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The influence of public access on raccoon predation on sea turtle nests in Boca Raton, Florida.
- Creator
- VanDam, Andrea., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
- Abstract/Description
In the Eastern United States, the Florida coastline provides 85% of all nesting sites for the green (Chelonia mydas), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles. Palm Beach County beaches experience some of the highest nesting frequencies, but recreational use of the beaches has increased threats like raccoon predation. The Gumbo Limbo Nature Center (GLNC) in Boca Raton (founded in 1984) keeps records of nests and predators to the nests. I analyzed 4554...
Show moreIn the Eastern United States, the Florida coastline provides 85% of all nesting sites for the green (Chelonia mydas), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles. Palm Beach County beaches experience some of the highest nesting frequencies, but recreational use of the beaches has increased threats like raccoon predation. The Gumbo Limbo Nature Center (GLNC) in Boca Raton (founded in 1984) keeps records of nests and predators to the nests. I analyzed 4554 GLNC nest records from 2002-2007 to examine whether raccoon predation of turtle nests was most prevalent in areas of high human impact. I found that raccoon predation occurred at significantly higher rates in areas with public access to the beach than in areas without such access (high access: 50.8%, low access: 14.4%, overall: 36.4%). This suggests the necessity of increased protection of nests in areas of high access for the preservation of nesting populations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Subject Headings
- Predation (Biology), Sea turtles, Mortality, Wildlife conservation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Assessment of multiple paternity for the queen conch, Strombus gigas.
- Creator
- Harris, Chris., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
- Abstract/Description
The commercially important queen conch, Strombus gigas, has been observed copulating with multiple partners and laying multiple egg masses during a reproductive season (Randall, 1964). While multiple paternity has been confirmed using microsatellite based genetic analysis for a variety of other gastropods, this technique has not been employed for S. gigas. Determining whether or not this species is capable of multiple paternity is important to understanding and maintaining genetic diversity...
Show moreThe commercially important queen conch, Strombus gigas, has been observed copulating with multiple partners and laying multiple egg masses during a reproductive season (Randall, 1964). While multiple paternity has been confirmed using microsatellite based genetic analysis for a variety of other gastropods, this technique has not been employed for S. gigas. Determining whether or not this species is capable of multiple paternity is important to understanding and maintaining genetic diversity of natural and captive populations. While an assessment of multiple paternity is the ultimate goal of this study, for my thesis, I have completed preliminary work which includes perfecting methods of tissue collection, DNA extraction, and DNA amplification with six non-labeled polymorphic microsatellite molecular markers, using cultured Strombus gigas animals. In addition, I collected tissue and extracted DNA from three wild S. gigas adult females and their egg masses from Pelican Shoal in the Florida Keys.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Subject Headings
- Gastropoda, Habitat, Queen conch, Conservation, Biological diversity, Marine biology, Mariculture
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Novel Interaction: The thin stripe hermit Crab, Clibanarius vittatus, kills the Florida crown conch, Melongena corona, for its shell.
- Creator
- Cutter, Jennifer, Devlin, Donna, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
The hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus kills Melongena corona solely to acquire a better fitting shell. This finding is contrary to previous studies, which found that hermit crabs of other species cannot kill gastropods or, in most instances, remove freshly dead gastropods from their shells. This interaction cannot be classified as predation because Melongena tissue was never consumed. Clibanarius killed Melongena only when by doing so they could trade up to a better fitting shell. It cannot be...
Show moreThe hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus kills Melongena corona solely to acquire a better fitting shell. This finding is contrary to previous studies, which found that hermit crabs of other species cannot kill gastropods or, in most instances, remove freshly dead gastropods from their shells. This interaction cannot be classified as predation because Melongena tissue was never consumed. Clibanarius killed Melongena only when by doing so they could trade up to a better fitting shell. It cannot be classified as competition because there is no opportunity for Melongena to gain from the interaction. Therefore the term “lethal eviction” is hereby proposed for this interaction. The ability to kill a gastropod to obtain a superior shell gives Clibanarius vittatus an evolutionary advantage over other hermit crab species. It is not known if the outcome of this interaction is widespread where both species occur or if it is confined to the study area.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Subject Headings
- Crabs--Behavior., Crab culture., Predation (Biology), Adaptation (Physiology), Aquatic ecology., Intertidal ecology., Conservation biology.
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Effects of a severe winter on invasive green iguanas (Iguana iguana).
- Creator
- Campbell, Ashley B., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
The green iguana (Iguana iguana) is an herbivorous lizard native to South America and is invasive in south Florida. The severe weather in January 2010 negatively impacted many species and significantly reduced the green iguana population, specifically adult females and juveniles of both sexes. Fifteen adult iguanas from two locations in Palm Beach County were tagged and had blood drawn for blood chemistry and HPLC steroid hormone analysis. Individuals were tracked for home range/territory...
Show moreThe green iguana (Iguana iguana) is an herbivorous lizard native to South America and is invasive in south Florida. The severe weather in January 2010 negatively impacted many species and significantly reduced the green iguana population, specifically adult females and juveniles of both sexes. Fifteen adult iguanas from two locations in Palm Beach County were tagged and had blood drawn for blood chemistry and HPLC steroid hormone analysis. Individuals were tracked for home range/territory analysis and behavioral observations. Blood chemistry values of cold-stunned individuals showed abnormal values similar to those reported in cold-stunned sea turtles. Territoriality and breeding behaviors, including nesting and head-bob displays, decreased or ceased during the following months. Steroid hormone concentrations were detected by HPLC and were not consistent with results from RIA studies in the literature.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Subject Headings
- Weather, Environmental aspects, Adaptation (Biology), Climate changes, Environmental aspects, Conservation biology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Fire ants on sea turtle nesting beaches in South Florida, USA, and ST. Croix, USVI.
- Creator
- Romais, Danielle K., Wetterer, James K., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a South American native introduced in Alabama in the early 20th century. This predatory species has rapidly spread throughout the southeastern US and parts of the West Indies, inflicting great ecological and economic damage. For example, Solenopsis invicta is known to attack the eggs and hatchlings of ground nesting birds and reptiles. The ants swarm into the nests attacking hatchlings and diminishing their chance for survival. My thesis...
Show moreThe red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, is a South American native introduced in Alabama in the early 20th century. This predatory species has rapidly spread throughout the southeastern US and parts of the West Indies, inflicting great ecological and economic damage. For example, Solenopsis invicta is known to attack the eggs and hatchlings of ground nesting birds and reptiles. The ants swarm into the nests attacking hatchlings and diminishing their chance for survival. My thesis research aimed to survey the distribution of ants on sea turtle nesting beaches in South Florida and St. Croix, USVI, and to evaluate the possible threat of Solenopsis invicta and other predatory ants to sea turtle hatchlings.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Subject Headings
- Biological invasions, Fire ants -- Venom -- Physiological effect, Predation (Biology), Sea turtles -- Florida -- Mortality, Sea turtles -- St. Croix -- Mortality, Wildlife conservation -- Florida, Wildlife conservation -- St. Croix
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Analysis of the Demography and Habitat Usage of Roatan's Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura oedirhina.
- Creator
- Campbell, Ashley B., Maple, Terry, Gawlik, Dale E., Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology
- Abstract/Description
The Roatan Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) is endemic to the 146-km2 island of Roatn, Honduras. Harvesting for consumption, fragmentation of habitat, and predation by domestic animals threaten this lizard. It is currently listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as threatened by the Honduran government, and is on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This species has been geographically...
Show moreThe Roatan Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura oedirhina) is endemic to the 146-km2 island of Roatn, Honduras. Harvesting for consumption, fragmentation of habitat, and predation by domestic animals threaten this lizard. It is currently listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), as threatened by the Honduran government, and is on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This species has been geographically fragmented and genetically isolated into small subpopulations that are declining in density. With data gathered from use/availability surveys, resource selection functions were used to identify habitats and environmental variables associated with their presence. Results indicate that protection from harvesting is the most important factor in determining their distribution. These high-density populations are currently restricted to ~0.6 km2. Organisms living in small, isolated populations with very restricted ranges are at higher risk of extirpation due to various direct and indirect forces. Mark-recapture-resight surveys and distance sampling have been used to monitor the populations since 2010 and 2012 respectively. The data show that the high-density populations are declining. The current population size is estimated to be 4130-4860 individuals in 2015. A population viability analysis (PVA) was conducted to identify the most pressing threats and specific life history traits that are affecting this decline. The analysis estimates that if current trends persist, the species will be extinct in the wild in less than ten years. Adult mortality is a main factor and female mortality specifically characterizes this decline. In order for this species to persist over the next fifty years, adult mortality needs to be reduced by more than 50%. A lack of enforcement of the current laws results in the persistence of the main threat, poaching for consumption, thus altering the species distribution and causing high adult mortality. This is complicated by social customs and a lack of post primary education. Management changes could mitigate this threat and slow the population decline. Recommendations include an education campaign on the island, increased enforcement of the current laws, and breeding of C. oedirhina in situ and ex situ for release into the wild.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Subject Headings
- Adaptation (Biology), Conservation biology -- Honduras -- Roatán Island, Iguanas -- Black spiny tailed -- Honduras -- Roatán Island -- Habitat., Roatán Island (Honduras) -- Ecology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Observations of immature sea turtles at a nearshore hardbottom developmental habitat in Palm Beach, Florida.
- Creator
- Garrido, Katharine., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
- Abstract/Description
Nearshore sabellariid worm rock reefs tracts along Florida's east cost provide developmental habitat for many juvenile green turtles.
- Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Sea turtles, Ecology, Adaptation (Biology), Wildlife conservation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Ecosystem health and environmental influences on innate immune function in the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle.
- Creator
- Sposato, Patricia L., Milton, Sarah L., Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) turtles recruit to nearshore environments as juveniles. These often degraded habitats are associated with emerging diseases such as green turtle fibropapillomatosis (GTFP), however there are few studies on immune function in sea turtles. The objective of this research was to quantify phagocytosis of the innate immune system by flow cytometry and compare levels between animals from a degraded habitat (the Indian River Lagoon, FL) to a...
Show moreLoggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) turtles recruit to nearshore environments as juveniles. These often degraded habitats are associated with emerging diseases such as green turtle fibropapillomatosis (GTFP), however there are few studies on immune function in sea turtles. The objective of this research was to quantify phagocytosis of the innate immune system by flow cytometry and compare levels between animals from a degraded habitat (the Indian River Lagoon, FL) to a more pristine environment (the Trident Basin, Port Canaveral, FL), and across a range of temperatures. While in vitro temperatures did not alter rates of phagocytosis, it was higher in samples obtained in the summer than winter. Rates of phagocytosis in sea turtles with GTFP and from degraded environments with increased prevalence of GTFP were low compared to animals from the more pristine environment, suggesting that the environment can alter innate immunological function and thus contribute to the development of disease.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Subject Headings
- Developmental biology, Ecosystem management -- Florida, Loggerhead turtle -- Habitat -- Environmental aspects, Marine biodiversity conservation, Sea turtles -- Immunology
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Genetic differentiation among populations of bald eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus.
- Creator
- Helmick, Ericka Elizabeth., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
- Abstract/Description
The bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, population declined dramatically in the early 20th century reducing the population from tens of thousands of birds within the lower 48 states, to
Show moreThe bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, population declined dramatically in the early 20th century reducing the population from tens of thousands of birds within the lower 48 states, to <450 pairs of birds, effectively inducing a population bottleneck. The overall population has recovered and was removed from the endangered species list in 2007. This study investigates whether such overall population statistics are appropriate descriptors for this widespread species. I investigated the genetic differentiation between three populations of bald eagles from Alaska, North Florida and Florida Bay using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA loci to determine whether discrete subpopulations comprise the broad range. Significant FST values, for both mtDNA and microsatellites, were found between both Florida populations and Alaska, but not within Florida populations. Results indicate that there is strong population structure, rejecting the null hypothesis of a panmictic population. Future conservation efforts should focus on subpopulations rather than the overall population.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Subject Headings
- Wildlife conservation, Birds, Molecular genetics, Gene targeting, Developmental biology, Biochemical markers
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The impacts of nest microenvironment on sea turtle hatchling performance and their responses to thermal stress.
- Creator
- Seaman, Heather A., Milton, Sarah, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Abstract/Description
As climate change threatens with sea-level rise and more storms, increased erosion could increase the need for beach nourishment. Alterations to sand characteristics may result in changes to the sea turtle nest microenvironment, impacting the temperature and oxygen levels which may affect hatchling performance. In this study, leatherback, loggerhead, and green nests were sampled from two sites with different sand characteristics in Juno Beach, Florida, USA. Gas exchange was higher in green...
Show moreAs climate change threatens with sea-level rise and more storms, increased erosion could increase the need for beach nourishment. Alterations to sand characteristics may result in changes to the sea turtle nest microenvironment, impacting the temperature and oxygen levels which may affect hatchling performance. In this study, leatherback, loggerhead, and green nests were sampled from two sites with different sand characteristics in Juno Beach, Florida, USA. Gas exchange was higher in green turtle nests with a greater mixture of sediment. Darker sediment elevated nest temperatures. Finer sediment and a greater mixture of sediment in leatherback nests elevated the nest temperatures; conversely finer sediment, and a greater mixture of sediment decreased loggerhead and green nest temperatures. Elevated nest temperatures reduced leatherback, loggerhead, and green turtle hatchling performance. Understanding the relationships between beach composition, nest environment, and hatchling performance will aid management decisions essential to sea turtle conservation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2020
- Subject Headings
- Sea turtles--Nests, Thermal stress (Biology), Sea turtles--Conservation, Beach nourishment
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Activity and Habitat Selection by Loggerhead (Caretta caretta L.) and Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas. L.) Hatchlings: A Laboratory and Field Study.
- Creator
- Smith, Morgan M., Salmon, Michael, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Biological Sciences, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Abstract/Description
Loggerhead and green turtle neonates migrate from Florida's coast during a 24-36 h frenzy. Post-frenzy loggerheads are often found in flotsam (Sargassum), while postfrenzy green turtles "disappear." This study compared the frenzy and post-frenzy activity of each species, their response to flotsam (in the laboratory and field), and the role of experience in habitat selection. Both species were most active during day I; activity thereafter declined (especially in loggerheads). Inactive...
Show moreLoggerhead and green turtle neonates migrate from Florida's coast during a 24-36 h frenzy. Post-frenzy loggerheads are often found in flotsam (Sargassum), while postfrenzy green turtles "disappear." This study compared the frenzy and post-frenzy activity of each species, their response to flotsam (in the laboratory and field), and the role of experience in habitat selection. Both species were most active during day I; activity thereafter declined (especially in loggerheads). Inactive loggerheads occupied Sargassum and open water (day or night) whereas inactive green turtles occupied Sargassum by day and both habitats at night. Exposure to Sargassum had no effect on the later habitat choices ofloggerheads, while exposed green turtles preferred Sargassum over plastic plants. In the field, both species preferred flotsam to open water, but occupied distinct microhabitats. Loggerheads preferred the mat surface while green turtles hid within the mat. Differences in activity and habitat selection likely reflect species-specific migratory and anti-predator strategies.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Sea turtles--Ecology--Case studies, Wildlife conservation--Case studies, Habitat partitioning (Ecology), Adaptation (Biology)
- Format
- Document (PDF)