Current Search:  Conflict. (x)

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Intractable conflict as an attractor: a dynamical systems approach to conflict escalation and intractability
Constructing a network of shared agreement: a model of communication processes in negotiations
Reconstructing ripeness I: a study of constructive engagement in protracted social conflicts
Whose Names I Do Not Know
Rethinking intractable conflict: the perspective of dynamical systems
Conflict in close relationships: The roles of process, relationship, and conflict issue
Drugs, war and immigration: a shared conflict
Understanding the workplace: managing conflict in the workplace [panel discussion at the 1997 Charleston Conference]
Seeking sustainable solutions: using an attractor simulation platform for teaching multistakeholder negotiation in complex cases
Yasir Arafat and the PLO one month since Hebron: An assessment of PLO compliance with the Hebron Accord January 15 – February 15, 1997
statistical examination of the relationship between xenophobia and environmental parameters in pre-statal populations
Correlates of interpersonal conflict
Power, instability and regulatory focus
comparative study of the relationships between conflict management styles and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and propensity to leave the job among Saudi and American universities' faculty members
Perceptions of conflict and the qualities of early adolescent friendships: Dyadic measures of associations
World government--shall Britain participate
Changing cooperation to competition disrupts attitudes and valence
Adolescent conflict with parents and friends
Children's temperament: Does it predict how children cope during conflicts with parents?
Relationship qualities as moderators of the associations between adolescent conflict and adjustment
