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Effects of cement alkalinity, exposure conditions and steel-concrete interface on the time-to-corrosion and chloride threshold for reinforcing steel in concrete
Adhesive Joint Analyses Using Ansys CZM Modeling of a Prefabricated Hybrid Concrete-GFRP-CFRP Unit
Strength and toughness of HDPE fiber reinforced aggregate concrete as a sustainable construction material
Mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for concrete bridge deck reinforcement
Strength and durability of fly ash-based fiber-reinforced geopolymer concrete in a simulated marine environment
Experimental and Modeling Study of Chloride Ingress into Concrete and Reinforcement Corrosion Initiation
Concrete diffusivity and its correlation with chloride deposition rate on concrete exposed to marine environments
Feasibility studies on carbon fiber composite cables in reinforced/prestressed concrete structures
Centrally prestressed fiber reinforced concrete columns
Experimental evaluation of the durability of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete in the marine environment
Evaluation of Chloride Threshold for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composited in Aggressively Corrosive Environments
Feasibility of using carbon fiber reinforced plastic tendons in prestressed concrete Double-Tee bridge system
Behavior of repaired concrete structures with advanced composites in cold environment
Experimental Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of the Repairs for Corrosion-Damaged Marine Piles
Theoretical analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridge members strengthened with CFRP laminates