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Socialist competition of the masses
An impartial authority speaks out on labor monopoly and its evil effects which require legislation correction
Non-overlapping distributions of spionid polychaetes: the relative importance of habitat and competition
Risk of sperm competition moderatres men's relationship satisfaction and interest in their partner's copulatory orgasm
Socialist competition in the Soviet Union
Analysis of government strategies to achieve industrial competitiveness: A comparative case study of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China
Food level effects on thecompetitive interactions of two co-occurring cladoceran zooplankton: Diaphanosoma brachyurum andDaphnia ambigua
Corporate diversification:  organization capital, organic growth, and long-term performance
The Effects of Competition on Empathy and Prosociality
Female Directed Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective
Mate retention and copulation frequency in humans: Complementary anti-cuckoldry tactics
Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program: Differences between successful and denied applicants
Dynamics of two-actor cooperation–competition conflict models
One yard shy of empowerment
Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Performance: Realizing A Competitive Advantage through Corporate Social Reputation and a Stakeholder Network Approach
Resource use, competition, grazing behavior, and ecosystem invasion impacts of Pomacea maculata