Current Search: Colorism (x)
Crepuscular and nocturnal illumination and its effects on color perception in the nocturnal hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor.
Johnsen, Sonke, Kelber, A., Warrant, E., Sweeney, A. M., Widder, Edith A., Lee, Raymond L. Jr., Hernandez-Andres, J., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Crepuscule, Hawkmoths, Sphingidae, Color Perception, Color vision
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RAULERSON, SPRING., Florida Atlantic University
The psychocultural significance of color use in painting has implications for art education. Increased awareness of color and its uses also have implications which affect those outside the realm of art education. This issue was first explored by a search into the foundations of color meaning, i.e., factors which influence views on color. How color is used in painting was categorized into five main modes which include the naturaluse of color, heraldic, harmonic, pure, and spiritual. Instances...
Show moreThe psychocultural significance of color use in painting has implications for art education. Increased awareness of color and its uses also have implications which affect those outside the realm of art education. This issue was first explored by a search into the foundations of color meaning, i.e., factors which influence views on color. How color is used in painting was categorized into five main modes which include the naturaluse of color, heraldic, harmonic, pure, and spiritual. Instances of color usage were f ound in the works of selected modern painters known as colorists. A dimension of increased awareness of color was demonstrated through the use of a color survey. This survey required individuals to express their feelings towards specific colors. The implications these findings have for teaching the art process were discussed. An effective program would include a dynamic interaction between knowledge, personal exploration, and communication between instructor and student.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Color in art, Color--Psychological aspects
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The bioluminescence coloring book 2nd edition.
Widder, Edith A., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Bioluminescence, Coloring books
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The Impact of 21st Century Television Representation on Women of Color: Colorism Myth or Reality.
Erves, Alisha Renae, Durnell-Uwechue, Nannetta, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
This thesis examined how colorism impacts the representation of young women of color in 21st century television shows. The thesis focused on how colorism affects one’s idea of beauty and self-esteem, and how young women are portrayed. A content analysis of five television programs (Black-ish, Dear White People, Empire, Grown-ish, and The Carmichael Show) were analyzed. Through the analysis, darker complexion women were analyzed and it was found negative attributes were used to describe them...
Show moreThis thesis examined how colorism impacts the representation of young women of color in 21st century television shows. The thesis focused on how colorism affects one’s idea of beauty and self-esteem, and how young women are portrayed. A content analysis of five television programs (Black-ish, Dear White People, Empire, Grown-ish, and The Carmichael Show) were analyzed. Through the analysis, darker complexion women were analyzed and it was found negative attributes were used to describe them in terms of beauty, and for lighter skinned females positives attributes were used throughout the show. In the five episodes examined that aired in the 21st century, beauty was defined based on one’s complexion as it was before in previous centuries. Issues of colorism are still displayed in 21st century television shows and through positive and negative caricatures. Colorism has a direct impact on how women of color are perceived and it can directly impact their self-esteem.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Colorism, 21st century (Television Program), Women of color
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Teti, Emily S., Barenholtz, Elan, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
It is accepted that a perceptually uniform color space cannot be modeled with Euclidean geometry. The next most complex geometry is Riemannian or a geometry with inherent curvature. Riemann, Schrodinger, and Helmholtz introduced and strengthened the theory that a Riemannian geometry can be used to model an ideal color space, to borrow language from Judd. While the addition of curvature in color space increases its ability to capture human color perception, such a geometry is insufficient if...
Show moreIt is accepted that a perceptually uniform color space cannot be modeled with Euclidean geometry. The next most complex geometry is Riemannian or a geometry with inherent curvature. Riemann, Schrodinger, and Helmholtz introduced and strengthened the theory that a Riemannian geometry can be used to model an ideal color space, to borrow language from Judd. While the addition of curvature in color space increases its ability to capture human color perception, such a geometry is insufficient if small distances along a shortest path do not add up to the length of the entire path. This phenomenon is referred to as diminishing returns and would necessitate a more complicated, non-Riemannian geometry to accurately quantify human color perception. This work includes (1) the invention and validation of new analysis techniques to investigate the existence of diminishing returns, (2) empirical evidence for diminishing returns in color space that varies throughout the current standard space (CIELAB), and (3) suggests that paths through perceptual color space may still coincide with paths through the induced Riemannian metric. The new analysis methods are shown to be robust to increased difficulty of a two-alternative forced choice task (2AFC) and a limited understanding of how to quantify stimuli. Using a 2AFC task and the new methods, strong evidence for diminishing returns in the grayscale is demonstrated. These data were collected using a crowd-sourced platform that has very little experimental control over how the stimuli are presented, yet these results were validated using a highly-controlled in-person study. A follow-up study also suggests that diminishing returns exists throughout color space and to varying degrees. Lastly, shortest paths in perceived color space were investigated to determine whether diminishing returns, and hence a non-Riemannian perceptual color space, impact only the perceived size of the differences, or the shortest paths themselves in color space. The results of this study found that, although there was weak evidence the paths do not coincide, this effect was smaller than a response bias. Therefore, we did not find evidence that shortest paths in color space were impacted by the non-Riemannianness of human color perception.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Color Perception, Color vision--Research, Diminishing returns
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Shell microstructure and color changes in stressed Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae).
Prezant, R. S., Tiu, Antonieto Tan, Chalermwat, K., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Bivalves, Corbiculidae, Corbicula fluminea, Shells, Microstructure, Color
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For Jamal Jamaa.
Yousef, Saadi (Author), Mattawa, Khaled (Translator), Ramsay, Celia (Printer)
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Broadsides, Letterpress and hand colored, Art
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Embodied Mimicry: Lightening Black Bodies in the Visual Rhetoric of Popular 20th Century Black Media.
Judge-Hemans, Janéa, Heidt, Stephen, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
This study analyzes various forms of visual and textual rhetoric found in popular black-owned print media from 1900-1970, including: beauty product advertisements, magazine cover photography and feature articles in order to contribute to a rhetorical history of color bias within the African-American community. The imagery included here validated and encouraged the transformation and lightening of African-American bodies through what I call embodied mimicry in order to achieve dominance within...
Show moreThis study analyzes various forms of visual and textual rhetoric found in popular black-owned print media from 1900-1970, including: beauty product advertisements, magazine cover photography and feature articles in order to contribute to a rhetorical history of color bias within the African-American community. The imagery included here validated and encouraged the transformation and lightening of African-American bodies through what I call embodied mimicry in order to achieve dominance within the racial group and a semblance of acceptance outside of it. Mimicry of white societal standards by African-Americans including: formatting of print media, circulation of beauty ads and physical embodiment of white physical features ultimately re-inscribed the tenets of racism into the black public sphere in the form of colorism. The intention of this research is to analyze the rhetorical history of colorism in order to better understand the current state of colorism in American society.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
African Americans -- Color -- Social aspects, Black race -- Color, Colorism -- United States, Ethnicity in mass media, Human skin color -- Social aspects, Mass media and minorities, Race awareness, Racism in mass media
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How A Single 30-Minute Mindfulness Session Impacts Inhibitory Processing on a Color-Word Stroop Task.
Ahne, Emily, Rosselli, Monica, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Mindfulness is known to positively impact behavioral and electrophysiological outcomes of inhibitory executive control following long-term practice. For example, increased accuracy and decreased reaction time, as well as neural markers of increased inhibitory processing. More evidence is emerging demonstrating increased inhibitory control following shorter-term interventions ranging from 3 days to less than 8 weeks. However, findings following single, brief (>1 hour) remain mixed. The current...
Show moreMindfulness is known to positively impact behavioral and electrophysiological outcomes of inhibitory executive control following long-term practice. For example, increased accuracy and decreased reaction time, as well as neural markers of increased inhibitory processing. More evidence is emerging demonstrating increased inhibitory control following shorter-term interventions ranging from 3 days to less than 8 weeks. However, findings following single, brief (>1 hour) remain mixed. The current study measured behavioral and EEG changes on a Stroop task in 40 college students following either a 30-minute guided mindfulness meditation or audiobook listening. A breath-counting task (objective measure of mindfulness) was administered to capture the effectiveness of the intervention. Results showed the mindfulness group had trending increased accuracy on the breath-counting task post-intervention compared to controls. Equivalent performance was seen across all Stroop trial conditions regardless of group. Regarding the EEG findings, a between-group effect emerged for congruent N2 voltage at P4 and incongruent N2 voltages at FC1 indicating the mindfulness group had reduced negative voltages across both time points. There was a within-subjects x group interaction for incongruent P3b voltage at Pz; MG increased while controls decreased (opposite of what was expected). This study provides partial evidence for a single, 30-min mindfulness induction in producing a more mindful awareness compared to an audiobook control group. Findings regarding enhanced inhibitory processing following the mindfulness intervention are mixed. Contrary to expectations, our findings implicate the effectiveness of a 30-min mindfulness induction in increased resource recruitment for evaluating incongruent words in absence of behavioral effects.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Mindfulness (Psychology), Inhibition, Stroop Color and Word Test, Behavior, Electrophysiology
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Chemical defense and aposematic coloration in larvae of the ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata.
Young, Craig M., Bingham, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Ascidians, Sea squirts, Larvae--Defenses, Aposematic coloration, Chemical defenses, Animal
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Visual wavelength discrimination by the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta.
Young, Morgan, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
Little is known about the visual capabilities of marine turtles. The ability to discriminate between colors has not been adequately demonstrated on the basis of behavioral criteria. I used a three-part methodology to determine if color discrimination occurred. FIrst, I exposed naèive, light-adapted hatchlings to either a blue, green or yellow light. I manipulated light intensity to obtain a behavioral phototaxis threshold to each color, which provided a range of intensities we knew turtles...
Show moreLittle is known about the visual capabilities of marine turtles. The ability to discriminate between colors has not been adequately demonstrated on the basis of behavioral criteria. I used a three-part methodology to determine if color discrimination occurred. FIrst, I exposed naèive, light-adapted hatchlings to either a blue, green or yellow light. I manipulated light intensity to obtain a behavioral phototaxis threshold to each color, which provided a range of intensities we knew turtles could detect. Second, I used food to train older turtles to swim toward one light color, and then to discriminate between the rewarded light and another light color ; lights were presented at intensities equally above the phototaxis threshold. Lastly, I varied light intensity so that brightness could not be used as a discrimination cue. Six turtles completed this task and showed a clear ability to select a rewarded over a non-rewarded color, regardless of stimulus intensity. Turtles most rapidly learned to associate shorter wavelengths (blue) with food. My results clearly show loggerheads have color vision. Further investigation is required to determine how marine turtles exploit this capability.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Color vision, Visual discrimination, VIsual perception, Selectivity (Psychology), Photoreceptors, Loggerhead turtle, Orientation, Sea turtles, Orientation, Animal navigation
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Secondary orality in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" and "The Color Purple".
Fine, Africa Ragland., Florida Atlantic University, Cowlishaw, Bridget
The differences between orality and literacy have been explored by theorists who have focused mainly on the differences in the nature of communication once writing is introduced. However, other theorists have challenged the theory that those characteristics are separate and independent, and there is an argument that the relationship between oral and written communication is not a dichotomy, but a continuum when elements of both can coexist. This idea leads to theory of secondary orality,...
Show moreThe differences between orality and literacy have been explored by theorists who have focused mainly on the differences in the nature of communication once writing is introduced. However, other theorists have challenged the theory that those characteristics are separate and independent, and there is an argument that the relationship between oral and written communication is not a dichotomy, but a continuum when elements of both can coexist. This idea leads to theory of secondary orality, which describes communication that encompasses both oral and literate elements. Two modern novels, Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Alice Walker's The Color Purple, are exemplary of how secondary orality can be created in literature to help shape the theme and purpose of a novel.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Hurston, Zora Neale.--Their eyes were watching God., Orality in literature., Walker, Alice,--1944---Color purple.
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Nuruddin, Khaulah Naima, Prusa, Carol, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Allusions explores the volatile nature of intimate relationships by revisiting and recovering my memory of dramatic experiences in my own intimate relationships then translating them into painted psychological scenes. These scenes are activated by symbolically charged objects and interrupted by openings or portals serving as points of entry or exit. The people involved are referred to by pieces of carefully chosen furniture situated in a space that has shifting perspectives and illogical...
Show moreAllusions explores the volatile nature of intimate relationships by revisiting and recovering my memory of dramatic experiences in my own intimate relationships then translating them into painted psychological scenes. These scenes are activated by symbolically charged objects and interrupted by openings or portals serving as points of entry or exit. The people involved are referred to by pieces of carefully chosen furniture situated in a space that has shifting perspectives and illogical planes, referencing the complexity of memory and the subjectivity of experience. Discordant color, texture, and layered information are used to heighten the drama of the moment. These painted panels and ceramic structures are a manifestation of my mental processing of interpersonal exchanges and remembered experiences through the development of a unique visual vocabulary in paint.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Affect (Psychology), Visual perception., Optical art., Pictures--Psychological aspects., Color--Psychological aspects., Symbolism in art., Interpersonal relationships., Signs and symbols.
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Interview with Julie Hunter – ca. 2008.
Hunter, Julie, Dominguez-Karimi, Rebecca
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Civil rights movements -- United States -- History -- 20th century, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Evers, Medgar Wiley 1925-1963, Ku Klux Klan, Civil rights movements -- South Carolina -- History -- 20th century, South Carolina -- Race relations -- History -- 20th century, Oral histories --Florida., Oral history
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Women, film, and oceans a/part: the critical humor of Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law.
Senzani, Alessandra., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
The politicized use of humor in accented cinema is a tool for negotiating particular formations of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, and class. The body of work produced by contemporary women filmmakers working in Australia, specifically Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law, illustrates how these directors have employed critical humor as a response to their multiple marginalization as women, Australian, and accented filmmakers. In their works, humor functions as a...
Show moreThe politicized use of humor in accented cinema is a tool for negotiating particular formations of identity, such as sexuality, gender, ethnicity, and class. The body of work produced by contemporary women filmmakers working in Australia, specifically Tracey Moffatt, Monica Pellizzari, and Clara Law, illustrates how these directors have employed critical humor as a response to their multiple marginalization as women, Australian, and accented filmmakers. In their works, humor functions as a critical tool to deconstruct the contradictions in dominant discourses as they relate to (neo)colonial, racist, globalized, patriarchal, and displaced pasts and presents. Produced within Australian national cinema, but emerging from experiences of geographical displacements that defy territorial borders, their films illuminate how critical humor can inflect such accepted categories as the national constitution of a cinema, film genre, and questions of exile and diaspora. Critical humor thus consti tutes a cinematic signifying practice able, following Luigi Pirandello's description of umorismo, to decompose the filmic text, and as a tool for an ideological critique of cinema and its role in (re)producing discourses of the nation predicated on the dominant categories of whiteness and masculinity. The study offers a theoretical framework for decoding humor in a film text, focusing on the manipulation of cinematic language, and it provides a model for a criticism that wishes to heighten the counter-hegemonic potential of cinematic texts, by picking up on the humorous, contradictory openings of the text and widening them through a parallel dissociating process., Finally, critical humor in the accented cinema of women filmmakers like Moffatt, Pellizzari, and Law is shown to constitute a form of translation and negotiation performed between the national, monologic constraints of film production and cinematic language, the heteroglossia of the global imaginaries that have traveled since the beginning with film technology, and the local and diasporic accents informing a filmmaker's unique style and perspective.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Women motion picture producers and directors, Feminism and motion pictures, Criticism and interpretation, Local color in motion pictures, Intercultural communication in motion pictures
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Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, November 11, 1863.
Andrew, John A. (John Albion) 1818-1867, Massachusetts Governor (1861-1866 : Andrew)
Series: Senate (Series) (Massachusetts. General Court. Senate) ; 1863, Extra session, no. 1.
Subject Headings
African American soldiers -- Recruiting -- United States, American Civil War (1861-1865), Draft -- United States -- History -- 19th century -- Sources, Legislative addresses -- Massachusetts -- 1863, Massachusetts -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865, United States -- Army -- African American troops -- History -- 19th century -- Sources, United States -- Army -- Recruiting, enlistment, etc, United States -- Colored Troops, United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Manpower, United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American -- Sources