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Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Law Journal 2022
Florida Atlantic Undergraduate Research Journal 2022
Meaningful links: Using network analysis to articulate the structure of personality psychology
Gender Stereotypes and Political Ambition
Synthesis of Podophyllotoxin Derivatives
Synthesis of Complex Polycyclic Scaffolds Incorporating α-Amino Esters
Women’s Representation in Contemporary Hollywood Film Culture
A comparative survey of Gopherus polyphemus hemoparasites in two differing South Florida habitats
Bacterial Community Analysis of Soil Samples Beneath Decomposing Sus scrofa Carcasses
Baseline Study for the Identification of Intestinal Parasites in Gopher Tortoises Found in Blazing Star and Pine Jog
Development and Calibration of a Low-Cost Visible Spectrometer
Should the Navy be exempt from marine mammal protection regulations in times of peace?
Gray Wolves in the Northwest and How to Keep Them Protected
Saving the Earth From Becoming Like Venus
Hispanic Perspectives on Lifting the Cuban Embargo
Urban Growth’s Effect on the Florida Everglades
Healthcare and Hispanics: The Disparity in Healthcare Coverage and Affordability Between Genders
Urban Sprawl: The Invisible Destroyer of the Environment
Differences in Online and Telephone Responses
Advanced Adaptive Torque Control of Hydrokinetic Turbines
