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self-reported use of metacognitive reading strategies of community college students
Neural and behavioral correlates of song prosody
Language production and comprehension in bilingual children
Teaching students with learning disabilities to solve word-problems: A comparison of a cognitive strategy and a traditional textbook method
Specific and non-specific cognitive operations as language options for memory questions: AnfMRI study
Brain dynamics and behavioral basis of a higher level cognitive task
Functional constraints on young children's object problem solving
nature of elementary students' science discourse and conceptual learning
The Role of Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex in the Motor Control
comparison of typicality judgments of learning-disabled and nonlearning-disabled children
The Effect of Bilingualism and Aging on Inhibitory Control
Children's adaptave strategies in a tool use task
Antecedents and Outcomes of Language Choice in Bilingual Toddlers: A Longitudinal Study
A Case Study of the Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Postsecondary Instructors of Developmental Reading Courses With Struggling Adult Readers to Increase Comprehension
effects of reciprocal teaching on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students in inclusive science classes
Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners
Effects of teaching mathematics to learning style perceptual preference on academic achievement of seventh-grade middle school students