Current Search:  Coastal ecology--Florida (x)

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Allelopathy at the land/sea interface: microalgae and Brazilian pepper
Increasing Integrity in Sea-Level Rise Impact Assessment on Florida’s Coastal Everglades
Fish, macrocrustacean and avian population dynamics and cohabitation in tidally influenced impounded subtropical wetlands
Distribution and Diversity of Benthic Foraminifera Within the Nearshore Ridge Complex off Pompano Beach, Broward County, Florida.
The Associations of Little Blue Heron Prey and Vegetation Communities in Two Subtropical Coastal Ecosystems
Alkaline Phosphatase Activity of Seagrass and Water Column Fractions in Florida Bay
Perceived risk versus actual risk to sea-level rise: a case study in Broward County, Florida
Mechanisms Controlling Distribution of Cosmopolitan Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: A Model Study of Ruppia maritima L. (widgeongrass) at the Everglades-Florida Bay Ecotone