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Temperate and tropical algal-sea anemone symbioses
Stauromedusae of the genus Manania (= Thaumatoscyphus) (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) in the northeast Pacific, including descriptions of new species Manania gwilliami and Manania handi
Kyopoda lamberti gen.nov., sp.nov., an atypical stauromedusa (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) from the eastern Pacific, representing a new family
In situ foraging and feeding behavior of narcomedusae (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)
Photo album and taxonomy of benthic macrobiota from 2012-2013 ROV dives on Pulley Ridge mesophotic reefs
Photo album and taxonomy of benthic macrobiota from 2012-2013 ROV dives on Tortugas mesophotic reefs
Two New Cytotoxic Linderazulenes from a Deep-Sea Gorgonian of the Genus Paramuricea