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Observations on the distribution and biology of east-central Florida populations of the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch)
Snook and tarpon snook culture and preliminary evaluation for commercial farming
Snook culture
The outer retina and tapetum lucidum of the snook Centropomus undecimalis (Teleostei)
Aging of common snook Centropomus undecimalis larvae using sagittal daily growth rings
Spawning season of common snook along the east central Florida coast
The influence of oral anatomy on prey selection during the ontogeny of two percoid fishes, Lagodon rhomboides and Centropomus undecimalis.
Culinary value and composition of wild and captive common snook, Centropomus undecimalis
Effects of a Disturbance Event on a Local Recreational Fishery on the East Coast of Florida
Effects of parasitism on the reproduction of common snook