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A bibliography of Caribbean malacology, 1826-1993
Weather and hydrographic conditions associated with coral bleaching: Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas
Biochemical and morphologicalheterogeneity in the Caribbean sponge Xestospongia muta (petrosida: Petrosiidae)
Isospongiadiol, a cytotoxic and antiviral diterpene from a Caribbean deep water marine sponge, Spongia sp.
A new genus and 12 new species of Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from the Caribbean Sea
Recommendations for culturing juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas, for restocking and commercial purposes
Population characteristics of the sea starOreaster reticulatus in the Bahamas and across the Caribbean
Climate change impacts on the secondary metabolite production in Caribbean coral reef sponges
Brianthein V, a new cytotoxic and antiviral diterpene isolated from Briareum asbestinum
On a small collection of porcellanid crabs from the Caribbean Sea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura)
Studies on the fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands: No. 213. Observations on the light-inhibited activity cycle and feeding behavior of the hydromedusa Olindias tenuis
Topsentin, bromotopsentin, and dihydrodeoxybromotopsentin; antiviral and antitumor bis(indolyl)imidazoles from Caribbean deep-sea sponges of the family Halichondriidae. Structural and synthetic studies
Chemical Studies of Caribbean Marine Organisms
"Wide Sargasso Sea": The Sargasso Sea as metaphor
Transport over a narrow shelf: Exuma Cays, Bahamas
Postglacial expansion of Rhizophora Mangle l. In the Caribbean Sea and Florida
Sea stars, sea urchins, and allies: echinoderms of Florida and the Caribbean
Selective cytotoxic activity of the marine derivedbatzelline compounds against pancreatic cancer cell lines
6-Hydroxydiscodermindole, A New Discodermindole from the Marine Sponge Discodermia polydiscus
Correspondence: Phosphorus-rich waters at Glovers Reef, Belize?
