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Effects of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Dispersion and Interface Condition on Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of CNT-Reinforced Vinyl Ester
The contribution of microorganisms to particulate carbon and nitrogen in surface waters of the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda
study of the effects of nanoparticle modification on the thermal, mechanical and hygrothermal performance of carbon/vinyl ester compounds
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitor degradation of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites subjected to simulated ocean environment
effects of nitric acid and silane surface treatments on carbon fibers and carbon/vinyl ester composites before and after seawater exposure
Chemical Method and Device to Detect Underwater Trace Explosives via Photo-Luminescence
Effects of POSS Fiber Sizing on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of CarbonNinyl Ester Composites
Feasibility studies on carbon fiber composite cables in reinforced/prestressed concrete structures
Peel-off characteristics of carbon fiber laminates bonded to concrete
Feasibility of using carbon fiber reinforced plastic tendons in prestressed concrete Double-Tee bridge system
Theoretical analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridge members strengthened with CFRP laminates