Current Search:  Campaign literature -- Pennsylvania -- 19th century (x)

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The address of the Society of Constitutional Republicans, established in the city and county of Philadelphia, to the Republicans of Pennsylvania.
Speech of Hon. George W. Woodward, delivered at the great union meeting in Independence square, Philadelphia, December 13th, 1860
James Buchanan, his doctrines and policy as exhibited by himself and friends.
Speech of Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, at the Democratic mass convention, in Lancaster city, September 17, 1863
Great speech of the Honourable James Buchanan, delivered at the mass meeting of the Democracy of western Pennsylvania, at Greensburg, on Thursday, Oct. 7, 1852.
Speech of Josiah Randall, Esq., of Philadelphia : delivered at Chambersburg, August 6, 1856, at the request of the Democratic State Convention, of Pennsylvania.
The appeal to Pennsylvania.