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Speech of Hon. Amasa J. Parker, Democratic candidate for governor
Speeches of Hon. Horatio Seymour : at the conventions held at Albany, January 31, 1861 and September 10, 1862
Speeches of Hon. Horatio Seymour, and Hon. John Van Buren : at the grand ratification meeting, at the Cooper Institute, October 13, 1862, with General Scott's prophetic letter
Speech of Hon. Elijah Ward, at a meeting ratifying his nomination for election to the 45th Congress, November 4th, 1876.
Address and proceedings of the Democratic State Convention : held at Syracuse, September 13, 1853.
Progressive democracy. A discourse, on the history, philosophy and tendency of American politics, delivered in National Hall. New York City, before a large mass-meeting of Whigs and young men
The New York election and the state of the country : Mr. Jay's address to the citizens of Westchester County, on the approaching state election ; delivered at Morrisania, N.Y. Oct. 30, 1862.
Speech of Edward C. Delavan, Esq., at a meeting of the friends of Mr. Fillmore, at Ballston, Aug. 9, 1856.
Speech by Hon. Sanford E. Church, at Batavia, October 13, 1863.
Speech of Hon. Horatio Seymour, before the Democratic Union state convention, at Albany, September 10th, 1862, on receiving the nomination for governor : also, his speech delivered at the Albany convention, Jan. 31st, 1861.
Ovation at the Academy of Music.
"One country! One constitution! One Destiny!" : Speeches of William Curtis Noyes, Daniel S. Dickinson, and Lyman Tremain at the Great Union War Ratification Meeting, held at the Cooper Institute, in the city of New York October 8th, 1862.
The ovation to Mr. Fillmore : speeches of Mr. Fillmore.
Proceedings and address, of the Democratic State Convention : held at Syracuse, January tenth and eleventh, 1856.
Resources of the country : How peace can be obtained : remarks of Hon. Reuben E. Fenton, at Jamestown, N.Y., Tuesday evening, September 8, 1864
Why the Republican Party should be trusted; the key-note by Henry Ward Beecher at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, Monday evening, June 14, 1880.
The Constitution : addresses of Prof. Morse, Mr. Geo. Ticknor Curtis, and S.J. Tilden, at the organization
Free soil, free speech, free men : proceedings of the Democratic Republican State Convention at Syracuse, July 24, 1856 : the address and resolutions, with the list of delegates.
Address to the Democracy of the Union
Speech of the Hon. Lyman Tremain, before the Union state convention, Syracuse, September 24, 1862