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Growth dynamics of the seagrass Halophila johnsonii from a subtropical estuarine lagoon in southeastern Florida, United States of America
Isolation and structure elucidation of novel compounds from marine cyanobacteria
Phosphorus uptake rates of a Ceratophyllum/periphyton community in a southern Florida freshwater marsh
Probiotics in aquaculture: An analysis of the bacteria associated with the gut of healthy shrimps, Penaeus spp
A Shifting Relationship: Understanding the Dynamics Between Generational Ranchers, Conservation, and Urbanization in Florida
Habitat selection among fishes and shrimp in the pelagic Sargassum community
Wading Bird Reproductive and Physiological Responses to Environmental Disturbance in a Managed Lake Ecosystem
Prey selectivity of the fishes Stephanolepis hispidus and Histrio histrio on the Sargassum shrimps Latreutes fucorum and Leander tenuicornis
Nematocyst replacement in the sea anemone Aiptasia Pallida following predation by Lysmata Wurdemanni: an inducible defense?
Functional aspects of behavior and morphology in the decorator crab Microphrys Bicornutus (Latreille, 1825) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Mithracidae)
effects of fire on the demographics of Neyraudia reynaudiana in the pine rocklands
A Novel Interaction: The thin stripe hermit Crab, Clibanarius vittatus, kills the Florida crown conch, Melongena corona, for its shell
Taxonomy and ecology of the deep-pelagic fish family Melamphaidae, with emphasis on interactions with a mid-ocean ridge system
The Role of Chemical Cues in Locating Pelagic Sargassum by the Associated Fish Stephanolepis hispidus
Responses of common fouling organisms in the Indian River, Florida, to various predation and disturbance intensities
Food level effects on thecompetitive interactions of two co-occurring cladoceran zooplankton: Diaphanosoma brachyurum andDaphnia ambigua
Larval predation by barnacles: effects on patch colonization in a shallow subtidal community
Reproduction, growth and trophic interactions of Doriopsilla pharpa Marcus in South Carolina
Feeding and functional morphology of the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis mccradyi
Diet and foraging ecology of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys Terrapin) in south Florida
