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Preliminary cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of Honduras, the Bay Islands: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on the porifera, algae and gorgonacea
Final cruise report: Submersible and scuba collections around little Bahama Bank, Bahama Islands
Submersible and scuba collections in the coastal waters of the Bahama Islands and Florida's oculina coral banks: Biomedical and biodiversity research of the benthic communities with emphasis on porifera and gorgonacea
Collections of marine organisms for research on natural products chemistry and biodiversity: A survey of the benthic communities with emphasis on porifera, octocorals, and algae from the reefs and grassbeds of Bootless Bay, Papua New Guinea
Molecular studies of Caribbean biodiversity in the field: Indian River Lagoon, Florida and AndrosIsland, Bahamas
Elucidation of Microbial Communities From South Florida Beaches Using 16S rRNA Sequence Analysis