Current Search:  Attitude change (x)

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development and evaluation of a model for teacher reflection
Thought- and information-induced polarization: The role of involvement in making attitudes extreme
Comparative Study of Attitudes and Personal Orientations of Student Members of Professional Organizations and Non Members in Colleges of Business Administration in the United States
Perceptions of tenth-grade mathematics teachers and school administrators toward Florida's school accountability system: The A+ Plan
Perceptual Acuity and Social Attitudes Survey (PASAS)
Teacher content knowledge in the context of science education reform
exploratory study of the perceptions and experiences of selected educators on the infusion of multicultural education into the language arts curriculum in Broward County, Florida, public schools
examination of gender-related attitudes among managers
study of teacher response to a program of whole-school change
Investigations of a time dependent measurement technique for social judgment
How Jamaican administrators in a large school district in Florida perceive ethnicity, gender, and mentoring have impacted their career experiences