Current Search:  Assistive computer technology (x)

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Home automation and power conservation using ZigBeeª
Computer interaction system to identify learning patterns and improve performance in children with autism spectrum disorders
comparison of the outcomes of distance learning students versus traditional classroom students in the community college
comparison of multimedia technology instruction on the achievement of U.S. educated and non-U.S. educated community college geography students
Investigation of instructional strategies designed to promote achievement and retention in online mathematics classes
Lutheran school teachers’ instructional usage of the interactive whiteboard
analysis of professional development in technology for elementary school teachers
Virtual science instructional strategies
Going on the Grid: Secondary Teachers’ Implementation of Mobile Handheld Devices as Instructional Tools
Effects of problem-based learning with web-anchored instruction in nanotechnology on the science conceptual understanding, the attitude towards science, and the perception of science in society of elementary students
relationship of full-time laptop computer access to student achievement and student attitudes in middle school
Enhancing Independent Task Performance of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Through the Use of an iPad Application
Comparing levels of school performance to science teachers' reports on knowledge/skills, instructional use and student use of computers
Middle school teachers' usage of dynamic mathematics learning environments as cognitive instructional tools
Technology, Textbooks, and Mathematics: Perceptions of Online Math Homework from Traditional High School Students Enrolled in Private Schools
Approaching Authentic Assessment: Using Virtual School Teachers’ Expertise to Develop an Understanding of Full Time K-8 Virtual School Teacher Practices
examination of the implementation of the Intel Essentials project-based learning model on middle and secondary reading and language arts FCAT student achievement and engagement