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Bioremoval of toxic elements with aquatic plants and algae
Algenwachstum in ozeanischen Tiefen [Plant life of the deep ocean realm]
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. I. Comparisons among three species of seagrasses from adjacent beds
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. II. Comparisons between drift algae and three species of seagrasses
Seagrass biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon
Aquatic plant aquaculture: a multiproduct/multiuse approach
Heavy metals removal by a promising locally available aquatic plant, Najas graminea del., in Taiwan
Screening of aquatic plants and algae for removal of toxic heavy metals
Production and nutrient dynamics of a Syringodium filiforme Kütz. seagrass bed in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Continuous monitoring ofunderwater light in Indian River Lagoon: comparison of cosine and spherical sensors