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Annual Fluctuations of Lipid Levels in the Sea Anemone Anthopleura Elegantissima (Brandt, 1835).
Jennison, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones, Lipids, Anthopleura
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The effect of feeding on repopulation of the sea anemone Aiptasia pallida by symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae).
Flinn, Randa N., Florida Atlantic University, Dobkin, Sheldon, Cook, Clayton B.
Many marine organisms possess endosymbiotic dinoflagellates called zooxanthellae. Bleaching is the loss of zooxanthellae, but bleached hosts can be repopulated. Little is known about how repopulation is controlled. The sea anemone Aiptasia pallida was used to study the effects of feeding on repopulation. Two groups of aposymbiotic anemones were reinfected with algae from symbiotic clones. One group was fed and the other starved, and counts of algae within each anemone were made at 3 day...
Show moreMany marine organisms possess endosymbiotic dinoflagellates called zooxanthellae. Bleaching is the loss of zooxanthellae, but bleached hosts can be repopulated. Little is known about how repopulation is controlled. The sea anemone Aiptasia pallida was used to study the effects of feeding on repopulation. Two groups of aposymbiotic anemones were reinfected with algae from symbiotic clones. One group was fed and the other starved, and counts of algae within each anemone were made at 3 day intervals for 6 weeks. The experiment was repeated, and results showed that the rate of algal growth did not differ between fed and starved groups. However, starved anemones reached plateau more quickly and lost algal cells after plateau was reached, whereas fed anemones contained more algae and protein. This suggests that starved anemones can support an algal population initially, but cannot maintain it. Space and nutrients are implicated in having a limiting effect on maintenance of symbionts.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones, Dinoflagellates, Zooxanthellales
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SEATON, ROBERT WYLIE., Florida Atlantic University
This study investigates the taxonomic status and relationships of Florida shallow water sea anemones in two groups: the order Corallimorpharia, and the tribe Boloceroidaria in the order Actiniaria. Ten species (all Caribbean forms) are redescribed with emphasis on the types, sizes, and distributions of nematocysts. Seven species are new to the United States. In the Corallimorpharia, Ricordea is considered a corallimorphid specialized by a single adaptive shift, to symbiosis with zooxanthellae...
Show moreThis study investigates the taxonomic status and relationships of Florida shallow water sea anemones in two groups: the order Corallimorpharia, and the tribe Boloceroidaria in the order Actiniaria. Ten species (all Caribbean forms) are redescribed with emphasis on the types, sizes, and distributions of nematocysts. Seven species are new to the United States. In the Corallimorpharia, Ricordea is considered a corallimorphid specialized by a single adaptive shift, to symbiosis with zooxanthellae. Discosoma torpida is treated as the fourth Caribbean representative of that genus, distinct from D. sanctithomae. Spirocysts occur in Discosoma spp. In the Boloceroidaria, Viatrix (= Bunodeopsis) has the type-species v. globulifera (Duchassaing, 1850) and two other Caribbean species: V. reclinata (= pelagica) andy. eugenia(= antilliensis). Alicia mirabilis and Lebrunia danae share distinctive nematocyst types with acontiate Mesomyaria (Diadumenidae, Aiptasiidae).
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones--Florida
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Investigations on symbioses between shrimp and sea anemones.
Mihalik, Mary Beth, Florida Atlantic University, Brooks, W. Randy
Periclimenes yucatanicus, P. pedersoni, and Thor sp. were nonrandomly distributed among three anemone species at different sites off southern Florida. Host selection tests showed that P. yucatanicus had a strong preference for one anemone, which could explain its field abundance with this same species. Host location tests showed that both Periclimenes species used chemical cues to detect their anemones--visual information seemed unimportant. Laboratory predation trials showed that shrimp...
Show morePericlimenes yucatanicus, P. pedersoni, and Thor sp. were nonrandomly distributed among three anemone species at different sites off southern Florida. Host selection tests showed that P. yucatanicus had a strong preference for one anemone, which could explain its field abundance with this same species. Host location tests showed that both Periclimenes species used chemical cues to detect their anemones--visual information seemed unimportant. Laboratory predation trials showed that shrimp survived significantly longer with an anemone than without in the presence of predatory fishes. The acclimation behavior of Periclimenes was described to analyze the protection mechanism. Legs and antennae were in frequent contact with the anemone, but the other body regions rarely contacted the tentacles. Additionally, antennae were used frequently to direct tentacles away from these other body regions. Coating of high contact areas with anemone mucus and avoidance of tentacles with other areas may be the method of protection.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Shrimps, Sea anemones, Symbiosis
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Host specificity of the anemoneshrimp Periclimenes pedersoni and Periclimenes yucatanicus in the Florida Keys.
Gwaltney, Christina Little, Florida Atlantic University, Brooks, W. Randy
Host specificity by Periclimenes pedersoni and P. yucatanicus to three species of sea anemone was investigated. Field associations, initial preferences (within 72 h of collection) in the laboratory, and changes in preference after "conditioning" with an alternate host were compared. Periclimenes pedersoni associated with Bartholomea annulata in the field preferred this same anemone in choice trials. These same shrimp changed preference after 2 to 8 wks of conditioning with a different host...
Show moreHost specificity by Periclimenes pedersoni and P. yucatanicus to three species of sea anemone was investigated. Field associations, initial preferences (within 72 h of collection) in the laboratory, and changes in preference after "conditioning" with an alternate host were compared. Periclimenes pedersoni associated with Bartholomea annulata in the field preferred this same anemone in choice trials. These same shrimp changed preference after 2 to 8 wks of conditioning with a different host species. Periclimenes yucatanicus associated with Stichodactyla helianthus in the field preferred this same anemone in choice trials. Those P. yucatanicus collected from either Condylactis gigantea or B. annulata did not exhibit an initial preference for these respective hosts. Periclimenes yucatanicus initially found on and preferring S. helianthus did not change their preference after conditioning; those found on other hosts chose S. helianthus after conditioning.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones--Florida--Florida Keys, Sea anemones--Behavior
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Heterospecific aggression and dispersion in two species of sea anemones in the Florida Keys.
Barham, Edward Mark., Florida Atlantic University, Bourne, Godfrey R.
The relationship between heterospecific aggression and dispersion in sea anemones is poorly understood. This relationship was elucidated for Bartholomea annulata Leseur and Aiptasia pallida Verrill at a quarry in the Florida Keys. Laboratory experiments indicated that B. annulata was the aggressor. Individuals of both species moved to avoid contact under both laboratory and field conditions. Field assessment of dispersion revealed aggregated patterns, as well as vertical segregation between...
Show moreThe relationship between heterospecific aggression and dispersion in sea anemones is poorly understood. This relationship was elucidated for Bartholomea annulata Leseur and Aiptasia pallida Verrill at a quarry in the Florida Keys. Laboratory experiments indicated that B. annulata was the aggressor. Individuals of both species moved to avoid contact under both laboratory and field conditions. Field assessment of dispersion revealed aggregated patterns, as well as vertical segregation between the species. Bartholomea annulata was most abundant at a depth of 0.75 m, while A. pallida dominated at the surface. Heterospecific aggression may be just one but probably an important one of several factors mediating the spatial distribution of these two sea anemones.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones--Florida--Florida Keys, Sea anemones--Behavior
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Gametogenesis and reproductive cycles in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt, 1835).
Jennison, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Anthopleura, Sea anemones, Gametogenesis, Reproduction
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Effects of thermal effluents on reproduction in a sea anemone.
Jennison, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones, Thermal effluent, Reproduction
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The influence of ‘host release factor’ on carbon release by zooxanthellae isolated from fed and starved Aiptasia pallida (Verrill).
Davy, Simon K., Cook, Clayton B.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Dinoflagellates, Zooxanthella, Anemones, Photosynthesis, Symbiosis
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Reproductive biology of three species of sea anemones from the central Atlantic coast of Florida.
Jennison, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Atlantic Coast (Fla.), Sea anemones, Reproductive biology
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Reproduction in three species of sea anemones from Key West, Florida.
Jennison, Brian L., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Sea anemones, Reproduction, Key West (Fla.), Viviparity
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The role of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the temperature-induced bleaching response of the subtropical sea anemone Aiptasia pallida.
Perez, Santiago F., Cook, Clayton B., Brooks, W. Randy
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Coral bleaching, Dinoflagellates, Zooxanthella, Sea anemones, Symbiosis, Photosynthesis
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Nematocyst replacement in the sea anemone Aiptasia Pallida following predation by Lysmata Wurdemanni: an inducible defense?.
Jennings, Lucas, Laramore, Susan E., Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
The sea anemone Aiptasia pallida is a biological model for anthozoan research. Like all cnidarians, A. pallida possesses nematocysts for food capture and defense. Studies have shown that anthozoans, such as corals, can rapidly increase nematocyst concentration when faced with competition or predation, suggesting that nematocyst production may be an induced trait. The potential effects of two types of tissue damage, predator induced (Lysmata wurdemanni) and artificial (forceps), on nematocyst...
Show moreThe sea anemone Aiptasia pallida is a biological model for anthozoan research. Like all cnidarians, A. pallida possesses nematocysts for food capture and defense. Studies have shown that anthozoans, such as corals, can rapidly increase nematocyst concentration when faced with competition or predation, suggesting that nematocyst production may be an induced trait. The potential effects of two types of tissue damage, predator induced (Lysmata wurdemanni) and artificial (forceps), on nematocyst concentration was assessed. Nematocysts were identified by type and size to examine the potential plasticity associated with nematocyst production. While no significant differences were found in defensive nematocyst concentration between shrimp predation treatments versus controls, there was a significant difference in small-sized nematocyst in anemones damaged with forceps. The proportions of the different types of nematocysts between treatment types were also found to be different suggesting that nematocyst production in A. pallida is a plastic trait.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Coral reef ecology, Marine ecology, Nematocysts, Predation (Biology), Sea anemones
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The role of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the temperature-induced bleaching response of Aiptasia pallida.
Perez, Santiago F., Florida Atlantic University, Marsh, G. Alex, Cook, Clayton B., Brooks, W. Randy, Koch, Marguerite
Bleaching of reef corals and other cnidarians symbiotic with zooxanthellae can be attributed to the stress response of the host, algae or both. To determine if zooxanthellae are involved in the bleaching process, I infected a single strain of sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida with zooxanthellae from different hosts. I measured expulsion of the algae from the host during 24-hour incubations at 25, 32 and 34C, as well as photosynthetic rates at these temperatures. Photosynthesis and expulsion of...
Show moreBleaching of reef corals and other cnidarians symbiotic with zooxanthellae can be attributed to the stress response of the host, algae or both. To determine if zooxanthellae are involved in the bleaching process, I infected a single strain of sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida with zooxanthellae from different hosts. I measured expulsion of the algae from the host during 24-hour incubations at 25, 32 and 34C, as well as photosynthetic rates at these temperatures. Photosynthesis and expulsion of zooxanthellae were inversely and directly proportional to elevated temperatures, respectively. Photosynthesis and expulsion of zooxanthellae isolated from Condylactis gigantea showed the greatest sensitivity to elevated temperature when compared to other zooxanthellae tested. These results suggest that zooxanthellae have a function in the bleaching process and that this function may be related to their photosynthetic response. Thus, the differential tolerance of zooxanthellae to stress could partly explain the spatial variability characteristic of coral-bleaching episodes.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Dinoflagellates, Sea anemones, Coral reef ecology, Seawater--Thermal properties
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Rapid arm movements in stalked crinoids.
Young, Craig M., Emson, Roland H., Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Crinoidea, Sea anemones, Suspension feeders --Ecology --Congresses, Conditioned response, Stimulus compounding
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Snapping shrimp protect host anemones from predators.
McCammon, Amber., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
The sea anemone Bartholomea annulata, is an ecologically important member of Caribbean coral reefs. This anemone serves as symbiotic host to crustacean associates, some of which may control parasite loads by "cleaning" reef fishes. Associates may gain protection from predation by dwelling with anemones. B. annulata was the most abundant anemone documented on three reefs, with 52% host to crustacean symbionts. Of those occupied by multi-species groups, 92% included Alpheus armatus shrimp. A....
Show moreThe sea anemone Bartholomea annulata, is an ecologically important member of Caribbean coral reefs. This anemone serves as symbiotic host to crustacean associates, some of which may control parasite loads by "cleaning" reef fishes. Associates may gain protection from predation by dwelling with anemones. B. annulata was the most abundant anemone documented on three reefs, with 52% host to crustacean symbionts. Of those occupied by multi-species groups, 92% included Alpheus armatus shrimp. A. armatus is an important anemone associate providing protection to the anemone from predators such as Hermodice carunculata, in laboratory and field trials. H. carunculata can completely devour or severely damage prey anemones. Here I show that anemones hosting symbiotic alpheid shrimp are extremely less likely to sustain damage by predators than solitary anemones. The role of protector may be reciprocally provided by anemone and decapod associates.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Predation (Biology), Animal behavior, Coral reef ecology, Sea anemones, Marine ecology
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The effect of water conditions on larval development of Nematostella vectensis.
Guidry, Alix Marie, Florida Atlantic University, Baldwin, John D.
This project tested the effects of water conditions on developmental rates of larvae of the estuarine sea anemone Nematostella vectensis . Egg masses were collected immediately following fertilization and placed in solutions with different salinities and maintained in a temperature-controlled water bath. Every twelve hours, embryonic development was checked for progression through different morphological stages of development. Comparison of regression analyses of larval development at each...
Show moreThis project tested the effects of water conditions on developmental rates of larvae of the estuarine sea anemone Nematostella vectensis . Egg masses were collected immediately following fertilization and placed in solutions with different salinities and maintained in a temperature-controlled water bath. Every twelve hours, embryonic development was checked for progression through different morphological stages of development. Comparison of regression analyses of larval development at each temperature increment indicated that both temperature and salinity affected the rate of development; development was slower in lower conditions and faster at higher salinities and temperatures, with extreme conditions inducing deleterious effects. The suggested ideal conditions for these larvae are a salinity range of 12.5--20% and a temperature range of 22--24C. These parameters provide a foundation from which a standardized testing method may be established, using N. vectensis larval development.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Marine animals--Larvae--Effect of temperature on, Sea anemones--Larvae--Effect of temperature on, Marine ecology, Water temperature, Estuarine ecology
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