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Two sermons for the times : obedience to the civil authority : and constitutional government against treason : preached in the South Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn
The rebellion : its origin and main-spring: an oration
Our obligations to defend the government of our country : a discourse on the war by Rev. Elias Nason, delivered at Exeter, N.H., April 21, 1861.
The American Union Commission : speeches of Hon. W. Dennison, Postmaster-General, Rev. J.P. Thompson, D.D., president of the Commission, Col. N.G. Taylor of east Tennessee, Hon. J.R. Doolittle, U.S. Senate, Gen. J.A. Garfield, M.C., in the Hall of Represe
The question before us.
Our duty under reverse; a sermon preached in the Church of the "Cambridgeport Parish," Sunday, 28 July, 1861.
Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, January 3, 1862.
Addresses by His Excellency Governor John A. Andrew, Hon. Edward Everett, Hon. B.F. Thomas, and Hon. Robert C. Winthrop : delivered at the mass meeting in aid of recruiting, held on the Common under the auspices of the Committee of one hundred and fifty,
Brief appeals for the loyal cause.
Negroes and the national war effort
Opinion of Hon. John M. Read, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania : in favor of the constitutionality of the act of Congress of March 3, 1863, "for enrolling and calling out the national forces and for other purposes.
Union and peace! How they shall be restored. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, before the Republican state convention, at Worcester, October 1, 1861.
A paper containing a statement and vindication of certain political opinions ; read before the Democratic Association, Chestnut Hill, Nov. 1862.
Antwort der herren Agenor de Gasparin, Edouard Laboulaye, Henri Martin, Augustin Cochin und anderer freunde Amerikas in Frankreich an die Loyal National League zu New York
Address delivered at the dedication of the cenotaph : erected in memory of the former pupils of Nazareth Hall who fell in defense of their country, in the war of the rebellion (June 11, 1868)
Patriotism and the slaveholders' rebellion : An oration
Thanksgiving for victories : discourse
Address of Governor Washburn to the Legislature of the State of Maine, January 2, 1862
The preservation of the republic. : an oration delivered before the municipal authorities and citizens of Providence, July 4, 1862
Oration delivered before the city authorities of Boston, on the fourth of July, 1863
