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The nitrogen relationships of marine macroalgae
Verdigellas, a new deep-water genus(Tetrasporales: Chlorophyta) from the tropical western Atlantic
Deep-water rhodolith distribution, productivity, and growth history at sites of formation and subsequent degradation
Application of the functional-form model to the culture of seaweeds
Nutrient-limited productivity of calcareous versus fleshy macroalgae in a eutrophic, carbonate-rich tropical marine environment
The mass outdoor culture of macroscopic marine algae
Bryozoan-algal associations in coastal and continental shelf waters of eastern Florida
Some aspects of the growth and yield of Garcilaria tikvahiae in culture
Drift rhodophyte blooms emerge in Lee County, Florida, USA: Evidence of escalating coastal eutrophication
New records of red marine algae from the Azores
Maripelta atlantica sp. nov. (Rhodophyta, Rhodymeniales) a new deep-water alga from Florida
Dudresnaya patula sp. nov., an unusual deep-water red algae from Florida
Effects of aeration period on the productivity and agar quality of Gracilaria sp.
Agar yield, quality and standing crop biomass of Gelidium serrulatum, Gelidium floridanum, and Pterocladia capillacea in Venezuela
Nitrogen uptake and storage by the red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae (McLachlan, 1979)
The deep-water species of Halimeda Lamouroux (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) from San Salvador Island, Bahamas: species composition, distribution and depth records
Production and properties of native agars from Gracilaria tikvahiae and other red algae
Taonia abbottiana sp.nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the tropical western Atlantic
Epithallus sloughing: a self-cleaning mechanism for coralline algae
Unusual linear arrays of the coral reef macrophyte Halimeda incrassata in the Bahamas
