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Application of the functional-form model to the culture of seaweeds
Effects of aeration period on the productivity and agar quality of Gracilaria sp.
The mass outdoor culture of macroscopic marine algae
Use of Poecilia latipinna (Sailfin Molly) for control of nuisance algae in Gracilaria verrucosa strain G-16 (seaweed) culture
Studies on the outdoor cultivation of Ulva lactuca L.
Studies on carrageenans and effects of seawater phosphorus concentration on carrageenan content and growth of Agarhdiella subulata (C. Agardh) Kraft and Wynne (Rhodophyceae, Solieriaceae)
The use of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) as a model system to understand the nitrogen nutrition of cultured seaweeds
The effects of nitrogen and seawater flow rate on the growth and biochemical composition of Gracilaria foliifera var. angustissima in mass outdoor cultures
Cultivation of seaweeds as abiomass source for energy
Cultivation of Gracilaria verrucosa (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) strain G-16 for agar
Alternative production systems: marine crops
Civilization of Gracilaria and other macroalgae in Florida for energy production
Seaweed cultivation: Global trends
Growth rates in culture of several species of Sargassum from Florida, USA
Closed tubular cultivators: an innovative system for commercial culture of microalgae
Experimental culture of the estuarine ectoproct Conopeum tenuissimum from Chesapeake Bay
Cultivation of seaweeds forhydrocolloids, waste treatment and biomass for energy conversion.
Physiological responses of transplanted populations of Sargussum pteropleuron Grunow in Florida
The evolution of integrated aquaculture systems
Cultivation biology of Gracilaria tikvahiae in the United States
