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Deep-water rhodolith distribution, productivity, and growth history at sites of formation and subsequent degradation
Bryozoan-algal associations in coastal and continental shelf waters of eastern Florida
It's not easy being brownish-green
The ecology of the western Atlantic athecate hydroid, Solanderia gracilis
Epithallus sloughing: a self-cleaning mechanism for coralline algae
Unusual linear arrays of the coral reef macrophyte Halimeda incrassata in the Bahamas
Interactions between light and temperature on the physiological ecology of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Gigartinales: Rhodophyta) II. Nitrate uptake and levels of pigments and chemical constituents
13C/12C ratios and the trophic importance of algae in Florida Syringodium filiforme seagrass meadows
Allelopathy at the land/sea interface: microalgae and Brazilian pepper
The Role of Chemical Cues in Locating Pelagic Sargassum by the Associated Fish Stephanolepis hispidus
Ecological studies of the alga Acanthophora specifera (Vahl) Børg. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta): vegetative fragmentation
Marine algae of the Indian River species of the algal drift community collected from April 1974 to April 1975
Tropical crustose coralline algal community and individual growth responses to light and elevated pCO2
Blade abandonment/proliferation: a novel mechanism for rapid epiphyte control in marine macrophytes
Ecology and nutrition of invasive Caulerpa brachypus f. parvifolia blooms on coral reefs off southeast Florida, U.S.A.
Epizoic red alga allelopathic to a Caribbean coral.
Simultaneous top-down and bottom-up forces control macroalgal blooms on coral reefs (Reply to the comment by Hughes et al.)
A comparison of nutrient-limited productivity in macroalgae from a Caribbean barrier reef and from a mangrove ecosystem
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition from a remote source enriches macroalgae in coral reef ecosystems near Green Turtle Cay, Abacos, Bahamas
Effects of a decomposing drift algal mat on sediment pore water nutrient concentrations in a Florida seagrass bed
